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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Zionist Security Research Institute expert: Palestinian operations will continue

According to the expert of the Zionist regime’s Security Research Institute, the operations of the Palestinian fighters against Israel will continue.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, According to an expert at the Zionist Security Research Institute affiliated with Tel Aviv University, Operation Tel Aviv, which is the fourth consecutive operation in recent times, could indicate the continuation of anti-Israel operations.

According to Yoshanan Zorf Mohaghegh this research institute is one of the symbols of the four operations welcomed by the Fatah movement, and the participation of its local leaders in celebrations and dances in Jenin, especially in connection with Operation Tel Aviv, shows that the Fatah structure (compromise) has disintegrated and on the eve of elections 2021, fragmentation is the most important feature of this Palestinian group.

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According to this expert, contrary to the existing perceptions, improving the economic situation cannot divert the Palestinians from their main goal, but improving the economic situation will only accelerate the activities of groups such as Fatah and Islamic Jihad in this direction.

According to this researcher, the more the Hamas group moves towards becoming part of the Palestinian Authority after the recent operation against the Gaza Strip and refuses to re-engage with Israel in the Gaza Strip, the more the West Bank is on fire, today, there is a kind of overlap of struggles between Fatah and Islamic Jihad activists in the Jenin camp that Hamas or any other group can join, which in itself will weaken the position of the PA.

At the end of this research, it is emphasized: Although we do not have exact information about the developments, it is clear that the growing weakness of the Palestinian Authority, along with the escalating tensions between the Israeli army and the Palestinians (resident of the West Bank), will pave the way for further operations.

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