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Zionist regime and Palestine; Ideological differences or neo-colonialism?

Contrary to many beliefs, which reduce Zionist aggression to ideological differences, this regime stems from the new colonial policy of the West.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, in a new article, Middle East Monitor examines the origins of the Zionist regime and the occupation of Palestine.

The author of the article on the rise of Zionism writes: Earlier in his book, Palestine: From the Legend of the Promised Land to the Land of Resistance, it was explained that the 100-year-old conflict between the Zionist regime and Palestine was not the result of political-religious differences between Jews and Palestinians alone.

The author of the article adds: “I have shown in this book that this conflict is part of the global context that has emerged since the rise of international Zionism. Zionism is in fact a nationalist, right-wing, Jewish movement that emerged in nineteenth-century Europe, claiming that Palestine was a land for the establishment of a Jewish state. This deviation took place in May 1948.

The Zionists use all media resources and the Internet to make their narrative objective.

The “Jewish National House” is a project created in 1897 by the Zionist movement to expand Jewish settlements and result in ethnic cleansing. The movement was formed in 1948 after the United Nations divided secular Palestine. Shortly afterwards, the organization created the conditions for a borderless region, a constitution, a state and a nation, to be called “Israel.”

United Nations; Supporter of the colonial project of Zionist domination of the Middle East

The United Nations is responsible for the political tools and international support for the Zionist colonial project and it has created the conditions for the emergence of this “monster” that takes on all forms of lawlessness, racism and genocide in Palestine and throughout the Middle East. Shortly afterwards, Resolution 1847/1947, which was drafted to consider Palestine as a state, was rejected by the leaders of the Zionist regime and was not accepted.

After the establishment of the Zionist regime in 1948, the Zionist militias occupied and occupied the Palestinians’ homes and lands by expelling and physically removing the landowners. This event is known in Arabic as “Nakba” and is used to describe the tragedy of the terrorist aggression of the Zionist forces that took place between June 5 and 10, 1967. On this date, Zionist forces occupied the Gaza Strip, Mount Sinai in Egypt, and the Golan Heights in Syria.

The main goal of the Zionist colonial project is to destroy and eradicate Palestine in favor of the Jews.

The author of the article wrote the following: “This project intends to recognize Israel as a ‘state’ that has been formed within the Palestinian territories, has no clear borders and is in constant expansion. This project wants to turn Palestine into small pieces of land that are under siege on all sides.”

Read more: The UN resolution against the Zionist regime on the Golan Heights / Tel Aviv is condemned: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=16591

What the Zionist regime has done in the last 73 years is to violate international law by using military and colonial policies in the territory of Palestine and its neighboring countries. At the same time, Palestine is fighting for its rights, dignity and existence.

Turning public luck away from the Zionist regime

These days, there is a clear increase in the unpopularity of the Zionist regime around the world. The streets of several countries are the scene of repeated demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause and the blatant rejection of Zionist apartheid. At the same time, the actions of international institutions such as the International Criminal Court, which has launched investigations into war crimes and crimes against humanity, are positive steps towards reviving the Palestinian cause.

These are important steps in the interests of the legitimate rights of the Palestinians. However, all forces defending justice and respect for international law must call on their countries and in particular the United Nations, to end their support for the colonial occupation of the Zionist regime so that the Palestinians can live with dignity in their ancestral homeland.

For the Palestinian people who have fought against the occupation for decades, it does not matter how long the Jewish hegemonic apartheid remains in their land, because in the end, despite all the military apparatus and American support, the Zionists will be defeated.

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