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Zionist newspaper warns about “Bennett’s boasting against Iran”

A Hebrew newspaper called the regime’s prime minister’s remarks about the attack on Iran “bragging” and said that the strategy of using force against Iran had not and would not work.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International group, The Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, today (Tuesday), in a report written by “Ofer Shilah”, a former member of the Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Zionist regime and researcher of the regime’s internal security think tank at Tel Aviv University, referring to the recent speech of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett The Zionist regime wrote about Iran’s nuclear program that Israel has not learned from its past mistakes because it continues to repeat its constant talk about its false achievements without achieving a strategic goal.

Al-Jazeera quoted Yedioth Ahronoth as saying: “The right thing to do about the future of Iran’s nuclear program is for Israel to know that the use of force alone is no longer an alternative to foreign policy. This requires Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his cabinet to develop more comprehensive strategies for influencing the world and to address Israel’s security concerns.”

The report’s author believes that the current nuclear deal with Iran is better than the situation created by former US President Donald Trump by unilaterally withdrawing from the deal with Iran; the output was actually made with the encouragement and flips of Tel Aviv. Yedioth Ahronoth goes on to say that Trump’s move only led Iran to enrich large amounts of uranium and develop new ways of defending itself. According to the newspaper, these defense measures allowed the country to withstand economic sanctions and gain increasing international legitimacy.

Yedioth Aharanot went on to claim that the way was paved for Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon, adding in another part of its report that Naftali Bennett’s remarks and the policy pursued by his cabinet show that “Israel has not learned from its past mistakes” and that the current cabinet is acting on the issue of Iran’s failure in both behavior and speech, which is based on the previous cabinet.

Read more: Zionist officials acknowledge: Israel has no ability to attack Iran: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17059

The Hebrew-language newspaper added that “the boasting of Bennett’s chief of staff about planning an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities” would not work. In another part of the report, Aharanut concludes that Tel Aviv will never be able to defeat Iran in this way.

The report comes after Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett commented on Sunday in a televised cabinet meeting following Sunday’s efforts to disrupt the Vienna talks and create space for a peaceful nuclear program against Iran. He said the ongoing talks in Vienna could “soon end with an agreement that is not tough enough for Iran.”

Bennett had said: “Negotiations between Iran and the [world] powers to return to the Iran agreement are very advanced. We may see an agreement in the near future.” He went on to claim that “the new agreement is apparently shorter and weaker than the previous one.”

Western countries, led by the United States and the Zionist regime, have in recent years accused Iran of pursuing military goals in its nuclear program, which Iran has vehemently denied. Tehran emphasizes that as a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of the International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.

In 2015, Iran reached an agreement with the so-called P5 + 1 countries to resolve tensions over its nuclear program, and despite the International Atomic Energy Agency’s acknowledgment of Iran’s compliance with all its obligations, the US government unilaterally in May 2016.

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