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Zionist newspaper: “Erin al-Asud” is an idea that cannot be prevented from spreading

Pak Sahafat – Zionist newspaper Ha’aretz wrote: The newly established group of Erin al-Asud (Bisheh Shiran) is more than a group, it is an idea and a culture that is very difficult to prevent from spreading.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from the Palestinian news agency “Sama”, this Israeli newspaper added in an article on Wednesday: The operation of Israeli forces in Nablus on Tuesday morning is a sign of the change in the strategy of the Zionist army in dealing with this unprecedented challenge, namely the newly established resistance groups in the West Bank.

The Zionist army announced that it attacked a laboratory and a workshop for the manufacture of explosives belonging to the “Bisheh Shiran” group in the old part of Nablus city and martyred one of the commanders of this group, Wadie al-Hawha.

Two days before that, the Zionist regime martyred Tamer al-Kilani, another commander of this fledgling group, with the explosion of a motorcycle bomb in Nablus.

Haaretz writes: The Israeli army is increasing its efforts to deal with the Bisheh Shiran group for two reasons, the first factor is to increase the acceptance of this group among the people and the second is to prevent new operations by this group in the occupied Palestinian territories.

This newspaper adds: Even if the members of this group are not related to older armed groups, they receive financial and material aid from all Palestinian resistance groups, and it has the full approval of the young generation in the West Bank.

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Dozens of fighters are members of this group and they have hundreds of fans in Nablus, and their pages on social networks have many followers.

Haaretz added: On the other hand, Bisheh Shiran has been able to gain acceptance among the Palestinian people despite the small number of forces, and any claim by Israel that it has the ability to suppress it is unreal, because this group does not have a clear structure or a pyramid. which can be suppressed or limited by arresting or assassinating a commander.

The increase in the number of Palestinian martyrs in the West Bank has led to an increase in requests even among the leaders of the self-governing organizations to help the people’s struggle against the occupiers.

The requests for a popular uprising have not yet reached their desired result, but the common opinion in Israel is that as the number of Palestinian martyrs increases, the possibility of popular intifada flaring up in the occupied territories also increases.

Accordingly, the government of the Zionist regime and its security agencies have so far rejected the request of the radical right for a large-scale operation in the West Bank, such as the 2006 attack on Jenin.

Israeli leaders say that the current situation is very different from the Jenin operation, and the only efficient solution to deal with resistance in the West Bank is precise and targeted operations instead of sending tens of thousands of troops to dominate the region.

However, with the change of cabinet members after the upcoming elections, requests for large-scale operations in the West Bank may increase and this operation will become one of the proposed options.

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