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Friday, September 20, 2024

Zionist media: words of Nasrallah mean a change in the balance of power

The Zionist media and experts, referring to the speech of Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah yesterday, announced, he hinted that Israel would be destroyed soon, and that he meant a change of balance (power).

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, according to the Al-Mayadin website, the Zionist regime’s media covered the remarks of Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyred commanders of the party, especially the part related to Hezbollah’s ability to convert thousands of rockets into point missiles.

The website of Channel 12 Hebrew quoted Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah as saying, “Hezbollah has been able to convert its missiles into point-to-point missiles for years and does not need to supply them from Iran.”

“Nasrallah has publicly explained with hints that the Zionist regime will be destroyed,” said Roi Qais, the Arab affairs correspondent for the Israeli channel Kan.

Reacting to remarks made by Hezbollah’s secretary general, Danny Citrinovich, a Middle East and Iran analyst, said that Nasrallah’s remarks showed that the message was: The “war between wars” will not continue until Israel maintains the rules of the game, which is related to Israel’s attacks on Syria.

Read more: Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah: We have the ability to convert thousands of our missiles into point missiles: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=19998

The “war between wars” strategy is based on the assumption that every few years, Israel experiences a significant and temporary conflict with the axis of resistance, including Hamas, Hezbollah or Iran. The goal of this strategy is to further delay the conflict and strengthen Israel’s strategic position in order to prepare for the next round of tensions.

Citrinovich clarified: ‌ Hezbollah is re-establishing the equations of response, especially in relation to Israel’s activities in Syria, and we may see a change in the equation of response to Hezbollah in the future.

He said: Hezbollah’s move toward self-sufficiency in UAV production reduces ties with Iran, and therefore Israel cannot close UAV transport routes.

Israeli television said this morning (Thursday) that Nasrallah was in a strong position and there was no doubt about his abilities within the party.

This Hebrew channel emphasized: Hezbollah now has the capabilities of a well-organized and strong army that has all kinds of weapons, especially missiles that cover the entire territory of Israel, and it is a military organization that has gained a lot of experience in the Syrian war.

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