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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Yellow Dog Brother of Jackal; Take a look at the new Prime Minister of the Zionist regime

Naftali Bennett has become the prime minister of Israel, a man who entered politics through Netanyahu and is now in a power struggle with his rivals and has taken over the cabinet.

Finally, after many struggles last night (Sunday), “Naftali Bennett” became the thirteenth Prime Minister of the Zionist regime and the head of the 36th cabinet of the regime, and the 12-year term of the Prime Minister “Benjamin Netanyahu” ended. Naftali Bennett has to become prime minister for two years, after which, in June 1402, Yair Lapid of the Yash Atid party became prime minister; Of course, provided that the current cabinet can last due to the coalition of different and sometimes contradictory parties.

However, the end of Netanyahu’s 12-year term seems to be more important than the coming to power of Naftali Bennett. However, Netanyahu has said he will soon overthrow the cabinet and return to power. Despite all this, there is little knowledge about “Naftali Bennett” and if nothing special happens, he will be the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime for two years. In the following, an attempt will be made to briefly introduce this 49-year-old Prime Minister.

From birth to ministry

Naftali Bennett was born on March 25, 1972 in Haifa. His family had emigrated from the United States to the Occupied Territories. He served in the Israeli army for many years and then entered the business world and engaged in economic activity. He was not involved in politics until 2005, when he entered the field through Benjamin Netanyahu in 2006 and began his political career as Netanyahu’s chief of staff. In 2009, he was elected as the CEO of the West Bank Zionist Towns Council.

Naftali Bennett formed the right-wing Yamina political coalition in September 2019 and won seven seats in that year’s Knesset election.

Political beliefs

Naftali Bennett is a right-winger and follower of Orthodox Judaism who has more extremist views than other branches of Judaism. Throughout his political career, he has been involved in right-wing groups and parties. Presence in the Likud party, the Jewish House party, and the Yamina coalition, which is based on extremist Zionist and anti-Palestinian ideologies, represent Bennett Bennett’s political thinking.

The constitution of the Yamina political coalition, led by Naftali Bennett, states that Israel is a “Jewish state” and that no Palestinian state or state has the right to form or form. Settlements must be expanded and the Jewish heritage promoted.

According to this political view, the Palestinians have no rights and should only accept Israeli citizenship, the West Bank and the Jordan River should be fully occupied and Israeli sovereignty should be exercised over all this land.

Strengthening and expanding the migration of Jews from other countries to Palestine is one of the principles of the Yamina Coalition and all obstacles in this direction must be removed.

He also said last year that Israel should return to the “octopus doctrine” it had proposed two years earlier and target Iran directly instead of fighting Tehran’s “proxy groups.”

Take a look at the cabinet

The 36th cabinet of the Zionist regime can be considered one of the most fragile cabinets of this regime. The composition of the parties and allies in it is such that “Benjamin Netanyahu” has expressed hope that the cabinet will soon fall and he will return to power. From the extreme right to the left, and for the first time, there is a joint Arab list in the cabinet coalition, the most important common denominator of which is opposition to Netanyahu.

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Yair Lapid, the leader of the left-wing Yash Atid party, will also run for a second term as prime minister. His party has the most seats in the cabinet coalition, but has won the right to hand over the first term of the prime minister to Naftali Bennett to win the hearts of the right. He will be the Zionist regime’s foreign minister for the first two years.

Benny Gantz, leader of the moderate Blue-White party, is another member of the cabinet coalition to which the Ministry of War is headed. So far we are on the side of an extreme right-wing party, a left-wing party and a moderate party.

Avigdor Lieberman, an extreme right-winger, will also be finance minister. He served in several of Netanyahu’s cabinets, but has become a vocal critic in recent years.

Gadaun Saer, the leader of the New Hope party, has taken over the Ministry of Justice. He was in the Likud party until last year, competing with Netanyahu for the party leadership until he left the party and started his own party.

Mansour Abbas, the leader of the Joint Arab List, is also in the cabinet for the first time as an Arab, and will hold the position of “Deputy Minister of the Prime Minister’s Office”.

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So the new cabinet is an amalgam of individuals and parties with different tastes that do not seem to be able to last long; Coalitions, however, have agreed to focus more on economic and social issues than anything else, and to emphasize their differences less.

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