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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Why is Netanyahu’s cabinet doomed to collapse?

Pak Sahafat – Netanyahu’s success in forming the cabinet is more than political genius, it is the result of his fascination and thirst for power; His cabinet of corruption and extremism is a combination of incongruous and extremist parties and troublesome personalities such as “Smotrich and Ben Goyer”, which will determine the same fate for the new cabinet as the previous cabinets.

These days, one of the issues that is reflected in the headlines of various media around the world is the actions of the most radical cabinet in the history of the Zionist regime and the continuous feats of Netanyahu’s ministers, which are not hidden from the eyes of the countries of the region and the world.

Elements from the personality cult and the serious corruption case of the prime minister to similar cases of other cabinet members are involved in the current controversial decisions. In addition, the approach of the ruling parties includes “Likud”, “Shas”, “Religious Zionism” and “Torah Jewish Union” as well as the belligerent and racist behavior of people such as “Bezalel Smotrich” the leader of the “Religious Zionism” party and “Itamar Ben Goyer” the leader of the faction. “Utsama Yehudit” (Jewish power) has filled the streets of occupied Palestine with protesters and has darkened the horizon of the leadership of the cabinet.

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The great dangers of Netanyahu’s cabinet against Al-Aqsa Mosque; ending Jordan’s tutelage

The extent of corruption from the top of the pyramid of power

In addition to Netanyahu’s special personality cult of “dictatorship” and “deception” and “selfishness”, “corruption” should also be added to it; An issue that has become the biggest problem and challenge of the cabinet during the last decade, and in other words, the Achilles heel of his power.

According to the previously mentioned cult of personality, Netanyahu has been able to rely on the prime minister’s chair of the regime for more than 15 years. However, the presence of court cases makes him always feel the shadow of the court over his head. Therefore, in order to get out of this wide-ranging crisis, the Minister of Justice Yario Levin has reached out. Levin has brought an amendment bill to the Knesset for a vote, according to which a majority vote of the Knesset members can nullify judicial rulings and eliminate its executive requirement.

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In the middle of November this year, Netanyahu’s trial resumed and he appeared in the Quds Court to defend himself in the “1000” case. In the so-called “1000” case, Netanyahu and his family are accused of receiving $300,000 in illegal gifts from foreign businessmen. These gifts are mostly in the form of precious jewelry, alcoholic beverages, and rare cigarettes at the disposal of Netanyahu and his family.

In addition to the “1000” case, the “2000”, “3000” and “4000” cases are currently ongoing in the Israeli judicial system as “Netanyahu’s corruption” cases. Netanyahu’s second corruption case is related to the exchange of bribes between him and Ernon Mozes, the publisher of Yedioth Aharonot newspaper. In the “2000” case, Netanyahu, in agreement with this newspaper, wants to present a more positive image of himself in the Israeli political sphere. In return, the leader of the Likud party pledges to support this newspaper against “Israel Eliom” and to stop its publication. After the start of “Israel Eliom”, Yediot Aharonot newspaper was in a very unfavorable situation and its circulation was reduced.

After the cases of “Netanyahu’s family receiving bribes from foreign businessmen” and “negotiations to paint a more positive image of the prime minister”, the third corruption case against Netanyahu (Case 3000) is related to the illegal purchase of three submarines and warships from Germany. At the time, this case caused severe criticism from politicians and representatives of the Knesset.

The “4000” case is the last page of Netanyahu’s black record in the Israeli political scene. In this case, he is accused of paying millions of dollars in financial facilities to “Shavel Elvich”, the owner of “Bezak” company, in order to create the “Walla” news site with the aim of covering news and political support for Netanyahu. It is interesting to note that the current Prime Minister of Israel has made a great contribution to attracting the support of the media and is trying to facilitate the direction of public opinion by abusing the position of the Prime Minister.

The existence of these open cases can be a constant threat against Netanyahu’s empire; For this reason, he intends to remove this lever from the hands of his opponents once and for all by changing the law. According to experts, the assignment of important and vital ministries to the extreme elements of the cabinet such as Smotrich, Ben Guer and Darei was aimed at facilitating the approval of the change of powers of the Israeli judiciary in the Knesset.

Clearing the face of the problem from institutionalized corruption

Netanyahu is not the only one who is threatened with serious cases of corruption and abuse of power. In recent days, the regime’s Supreme Court has ordered the dismissal of Netanyahu’s Minister of Internal Affairs and Health, Aryeh Darei. On the one hand, the issue is related to Netanyahu’s extreme behavior to dominate the judicial system, and on the other hand, to the corruption cases of Netanyahu’s health minister.

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In June 1990, Darei, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Zionist regime, was accused of being involved in bribery cases, theft of public property, and providing illegal aid to Shas party (the party under his leadership). However, he did not face these charges, but was dismissed by the Zionist judicial system in September 1993.

After a five-year trial between 1994 and 1999, Darei was found guilty of all charges and sentenced to 22 months in prison. In 2012, while returning to the political arena, he once again assumed the presidency of the Shas Party.

In Netanyahu’s new cabinet, he also became the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Health, but he was removed from this position a few days ago by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Zionist regime. The Supreme Court of the Zionist regime, considering the numerous corruption cases of Derai, did not consider him worthy for the ministry in Netanyahu’s cabinet and suggested to the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime to employ Derai in another position.

Currently, the streets of occupied Palestine are home to more than 100,000 protesters every day. As Netanyahu’s protesters and opponents say, the goal of the judicial reform plan is to give the cabinet complete control over the appointment of judges, including the judges of the Supreme Court, and severely limit the power of this court to cancel laws and enable the Knesset (Parliament) again only with a majority 61 votes to re-approve the laws that the court canceled.

The result will be that the cabinet and the ruling rightists will become the undisputed power in domestic relations during Netanyahu’s era and future periods. This is why “Easter Hayot”, the president of the Supreme Court of the Zionist regime, emphasizes that “this plan is to destroy the judicial system”.

Provocative actions of the extremist and troublesome cabinet

More than a month has passed since the formation of the extremist cabinet of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, Benjamin Netanyahu, every day strange news from the occupied territories is broadcast to the world. News from cutting subsidies to theaters and museums and the attack on al-Aqsa Mosque to the destruction of Palestinian homes and the arming of Zionists.

Perhaps it is safe to say that Benguir, the leader of the extremist party “Utsama Jewry”, who is known for his provocative actions, is the biggest challenge to Netanyahu’s cabinet, who is more like the minister of insecurity and sabotage than internal security.

Zionist television has recently announced that Ben Guerr ordered the demolition of 14 houses in the occupied city of Quds. Earlier, the media of the Zionist regime had announced that Benguir had decided to destroy the Palestinian village of “Al-Khan Al-Ahmar” in the East of occupied Jerusalem.

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In his first week of work, the new Minister of Internal Security of the Zionist regime attacked Al-Aqsa Mosque together with another group of Zionists in a provocative act. An issue that faced a strong reaction from Islamic countries and even the Western allies of the Zionist regime.

Ben Guer is the first Israeli minister to enter Al-Aqsa Mosque after five years. Palestinians consider the entry of Israeli ministers to this mosque as a violation of the legal status of this holy place.

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According to the peace agreement between Israel and Jordan, which was signed on October 26, 1994, Al-Aqsa Mosque is under the supervision of the Islamic Foundations of Jerusalem under the Jordanian Ministry of Endowments, Islamic Affairs and Sacred Sites. Nevertheless, since 2003, Jews have been entering Al-Aqsa Mosque with the unilateral decision of Israel and accompanied by the police of this country without the permission of this administration.

Cutting the subsidy of the theater and the museum on Saturdays is one of the new masterpieces of this cabinet, which is most likely done at the request of the extreme religious current of the cabinet. Miki Zohar, the so-called Minister of Culture and Sports of the Zionist regime, announced: “Subsidy will not be given to (so-called) cultural programs, including theater shows and visits to historical spaces and museums, which are held on Saturday.”

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The gaining power of the religious Zionist and “Haredi” parties in the new cabinet has resulted in the sharp reaction of the secular and leftist currents, so that the occupied territories are witnessing hundreds of thousands of demonstrations against Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet these days. Religious Zionism and Haredi believe that all work should be closed on Saturday and even the urban subway should not work. The way things are done and the amount of activity of various agencies on Saturday, which is the Jewish holy day, has become a serious challenge for Netanyahu’s cabinet.

These violent statements of Netanyahu are made while the previous week, the Zionist army martyred 10 Palestinians in the attack on the Jenin camp, and this criminal act was responded to by the martyrdom operation of a Palestinian youth in the occupied Jerusalem. In this shooting operation, “Khairi Alakm” killed at least 8 Zionists and wounded another number. While only about a month has passed since the new year and the beginning of Netanyahu’s new government, about 30 Palestinians have been martyred.

Overloading the chaotic economy on the inflamed political environment

During the last two years, due to political instability and election repetitions, and in the last year due to the consequences of the war in Ukraine, the economic conditions for the Zionists have become much more difficult. Perhaps at first sight, due to the lack of accurate knowledge, the Iranian society considers the economic conditions of the Zionists to be a normal life and considers security a serious challenge for the Jews of the occupied territories, but in reality, the chaotic economic wave is a serious challenge.

The latest results from a Zionist center in the last month of 2022 show that despite the vast security problems and the Zionists’ fear of this issue, the citizens of the occupied territories consider the government of the Zionist regime more incapable of providing economy and welfare than security.

The following graph, reflected in the results of the Israel Democracy Center, shows the response to the level of security and prosperity in the last four years. In this diagram, blue color represents security and green color represents prosperity.

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The decrease in the level of satisfaction with the welfare state last year to 18% shows that the conditions of inflation, the war in Ukraine and the inability of the regime authorities to manage the situation have greatly worried the Zionists.

According to “Bloomberg” news agency, the annual inflation of the Zionist regime has reached its highest level since 2008, despite the increase in interest rates. Annual inflation showed a 5.3 percent increase in December, and this increase was mostly recorded in the cost of transportation and communication, housing, apartment maintenance, and food.

“Capital flight” and “decrease in stock value” can be considered the first aftershocks of Netanyahu’s cabinet; An issue that caused 370 Zionist economists to warn in a statement about the decrease in the shares of major banks of the Zionist regime in the stock market and the economic consequences of Netanyahu’s extreme and extremism cabinet actions, including the flight of capital.

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