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Friday, September 20, 2024

Why are Republicans beating the drums of opposition to Burjam?

Eleven months after the Biden administration took office in Washington, and despite election promises to return to the Burjam soon, the White House continues to add layers of distrust, and the Republican effort in this area, which has been further exacerbated, highlights the fact that partisan interests America is more than anything else.

The Donald Trump administration, which came to power with the full support of the Zionist lobby as well as some countries in the region, turned the slogan into a fact that the United States is no longer a party to the Iran nuclear deal and ordered the toughest economic sanctions during its four years.

Read more: Riyadh accused Iran of violating the nuclear deal by making baseless allegations: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=12681

The Republicans, who see themselves as losers in this policy, are now trying to reach the cost of achieving a one-year return as Democratic President Joe Biden speaks of his desire to return to the UN Security Council and has held six rounds of indirect talks with Iran through the P5 + 1. Raise the deal for the current US administration to perhaps achieve their goals, some of which are outlined below:

  1. Justifying Donald Trump’s decision to leave Borjam and impose harsh sanctions on the Iranian people
  2. Fear that Tehran may not return to the nuclear deal due to escalating distrust
  3. Raising the cost for Biden not to use as a trump card for the election
  4. Dispossession of the President of the United States
  5. Focusing on the demands of Zionism
  6. Giving Congress a leading position in deciding on sanctions

Democrats believe that one of the consequences of this failed policy, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on February 21, was that Iran had 4,390 kilograms of low-enriched uranium, which is 14 times more than during the implementation of the nuclear deal.

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