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Which terrorist group was responsible of explosion in Istanbul?

Pak Sahafat – The terrorist explosion on November 22 last month in Istanbul, which killed 6 people and injured 81 people, occurred while no group has yet claimed responsibility for it.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from Damascus, the Turkish authorities announced a few hours after the explosion in Istanbul that they arrested a woman who was responsible for the bombing. After that, some Turkish media sources, by publishing photos of him, introduced him as “Ahlam al-Bashir” and announced that he has Syrian citizenship and claimed that he belongs to the terrorist group P. K. K (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) has received orders, this issue also caused Turkey to bombard and bombard the territory of two countries, Syria and Iraq.

In the initial reports of Turkish sources, it was claimed that this woman was killed in Syria by P. KK was trained and entered Turkey through Afrin.

Following this terrorist act, in the past few days, the Turkish army has repeatedly bombed and shelled areas in northern Syria and Iraq under the pretext of the terrorist explosion in Istanbul.

Turkish Defense Minister Khulusi Akar announced last Wednesday night that 254 terrorists have been killed since the beginning of Ankara’s air and ground attacks as part of the “Claw-Sword” operation that is being carried out in northern Iraq and Syria.

Without referring to the deaths of a number of civilians and Syrian army soldiers in this operation, he said that as a result of the Sword Claw operation, 471 targets have been attacked by the Turkish Air Force and 254 terrorists have been killed.

Read more:

Turkey arrested 16 people on suspicion of connection with ISIS

Akar emphasized that the sword claw operation is the most comprehensive and effective air operation of the recent period.

At the same time, the air and artillery operations of the Turkish army have started in the past few days in the territory of Syria and Iraq to target the terrorists, but no group has yet taken responsibility for the terrorist act in Istanbul.

The leader of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which operates under the supervision of American terrorists in Syria, announced by providing new information about the identity of the perpetrator of the Istanbul explosion that he is affiliated with ISIS and has nothing to do with the Syrian Kurds.

Abdi announced, for the first time, I am providing the media with information that proves that the woman who was arrested on charges of planting a bomb in Istanbul is from a family connected to ISIS.

He added that three brothers of this woman were killed during the war in the ranks of ISIS; One was killed in Raqqa, another in Manbij and the third in Iraq. His other brother is also one of the commanders of the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition in Afrin. This woman is married to three members of ISIS and her family is from Aleppo. We have nothing to do with this explosion and in fact we do not have such a policy.

In any case, it must be said that Turkey’s attacks on Syria are carried out while the government of Damascus not only had nothing to do with the terrorist explosion in Istanbul, but the Syrian Foreign Minister condemned the terrorist explosion in Istanbul in a humanitarian act.

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