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Saturday, July 6, 2024

What was the message of the missiles fired from southern Lebanon to Tel Aviv?

In its editorial, Rai Al-Youm newspaper examined the message of the recent missiles fired from southern Lebanon into the occupied territories, noting that the move both revealed the inability of the Zionist defenses and showed that the Lebanese Front still had surprises for Tel Aviv.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International group, on Monday this week, the Hebrew and Lebanese media reported that two rockets were fired from southern Lebanon at areas around a Zionist town in occupied northern Palestine. The Tel Aviv Army was on high alert for the fear of resistance missiles, with 1,400 troops stationed near occupied Jerusalem; In addition, 12 other battalions of Zionist militias have been deployed along the Green Line.

In its editorial, Rai Al-Youm newspaper examined the main message of the missile attack from southern Lebanon to occupied Palestine and why it was fired from southern Lebanon, not Gaza.

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The author wrote in the introduction of his editorial: We know very well that the two missiles fired from the Tire area in southern Lebanon on Monday landed in empty areas in occupied northern Palestine and caused no casualties, but their firing from southern Lebanon and the breaking of Israeli iron domes carried a double message. The first part of the message was to show that Israel’s ground and air defenses were lagging behind in terms of their ability to detect these advanced Lebanese missiles. The second part of the message goes back to the psychological effects on the Israeli side, which increased its confusion. It is a reminder that the Lebanese front is still “hot” and an important source of many surprises in the future.

The author added: “We in the Rai Al-Youm newspaper do not support the theory circulating in the Israeli media that the Hamas movement is behind the firing of these missiles and has a strong military base in the Tire area. Because the purpose of this seemingly leaked news is to sow the seeds of strife in Lebanon, first between Hezbollah and Hamas, and then between them and the “American-centered” Lebanese side, which wants to disarm the resistance and make Lebanon the center of American and Israeli influence.

In recent days, Hebrew sources have attributed the rocket attack to the Lebanese branch of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, saying that the Lebanese branch of Hamas has expanded its military capabilities in recent years. For example, the right-wing extremist newspaper Makoor Rishon in the Occupied Territories recently focused on a report on Hamas presence in Lebanon, claiming in its latest report that “Hamas has increased its activities in Lebanon at the behest of Iran.” “He has the support of Hezbollah in carrying out these activities.”

He analyze: “Without Hezbollah’s knowledge, not a single stone will be thrown from southern Lebanon into occupied Palestine, and the level of coordination of Palestinian groups in Lebanon and even the Gaza Strip with the Lebanese resistance is very high. Of course, we do not think it is unlikely that this is a dual missile message from Hezbollah to the occupiers. The Lebanese Islamic Resistance is ready to respond decisively to the Al-Aqsa Mosque if the Israeli invasion continues, and to stop Christian worshipers from praying at the Church of the Resurrection on the occasion of Easter. This is not our conclusion, but we are quoting it from an important source in the Palestinian resistance camp in Lebanon.”

At the end of this editorial, it is quoted from the same informed source that Hezbollah in Lebanon is not far from the developments in Jerusalem and its suburbs, and has set up a follow-up committee to closely monitor the situation and its developments.

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