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What do the latest polls say about the second round of the French presidential election?

Pak Sahafat – The results of the latest polls on the second round of the French presidential election have been released with the end of the legal time of the two candidates’ campaigns; Polls continue to predict Macron will win the second round.

According to Pak Sahafat News agency on Saturday, Tomorrow (Sunday / April 24 and May 4) the French people are among the two candidates; Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, the candidate of the far-right National Assembly party, elect one president for a five-year term. The legal deadline for the French presidential candidates’ campaign expired at midnight on Friday, and the results of the polls will not be released until tomorrow night, when the preliminary election results will be announced, but the latest public opinion poll still leaves Macron with a 10 to 15 percent margin over his rival.

However, both candidates have repeatedly stated that “Nothing is clear” and “the results of the polls cannot be considered a definitive result of the election”, but estimates can show the general situation, which suggests a relative balance of power between the two contenders for the French presidency.

According to these estimates, Marine Le Pen will receive 42.5 to 44.5 percent of the votes in the second round of elections. This rate will be 55.5 to 57.5 percent for Macron.

An analyst at Elabe Opinion polled 44.5 percent for Le Pen and 55.5 percent for Macron and stated: Propaganda sessions as well as televised debates appear to be more in Macron’s favor and have garnered more votes.

Another poll (institute Ifop Fiducial) still shows Macron winning the election by 10 percent. The analysis of the study, which shows the current president’s vote at 55 percent versus 45 percent for the rival, shows that Wednesday night’s debate had little effect on the outcome of the poll.

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However, an Opinion Way poll shows a 15 percent gap between the two rivals, with Macron casting 57 percent against Le Pen’s 43 percent. This estimate is close to the results of a study by another institute (Ipsos-Sopra Steria), which estimates Macron’s votes at 57.5 percent against 42.5 percent for Lou Pen.

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Estimation of turnout in the French presidential election

News Network “b. F. Analyzing the results of the polls on the turnout of the French in the second round of the presidential election, M wrote: It is likely that with a low turnout, the record for the lowest turnout in the second round of the 2017 elections will be broken.

The results of a poll (Elabe Opinion) commissioned by this media predict a turnout of 68 to 72 percent of the population, so that 28 to 32 percent of people who registered to vote do not go to the polls.

In the second round of the 2017 presidential election, in which Macron again faced Le Pen, 74.5% of French people participated.

Other polls (OpinionWay and Ipsos-Sopra Steria) show a participation rate of 72 to 73.5 percent, which is still lower than in the first and second rounds of 2017.

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The decision of the supporters of Jean-Le Mélanchon, the candidate of the Left Party, which surprised the first round of elections by attracting the votes of young people and religious minorities in France, is also the key to the second round of elections.

The results of a poll (Elabe Opinion) show that 45% of Melenchon supporters are convinced to vote for Macron, which shows a growth of 3% in the last three days and a growth of 10% in the last 10 days. However, 24% of Melenchon supporters will vote for the far-right candidate, despite his insistence that he not vote for Lou Pen.

Opinion polls (Ipsos-Sopra Steria) put Macron’s supporters at 43 percent and Opinion Way 54 percent.

In the first round of the French presidential election, which took place two weeks ago (Sunday, April 10 / April 21), Macron won the second round with 27.8 percent and Le Pen with 23.1 percent of the vote.

This is the twelfth election of the Fifth Republic of France and the eleventh time that a president has been elected by direct popular vote since 1965.

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