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Sunday, September 22, 2024

What do the American people say on the one-year anniversary of leaving Afghanistan?

One year after the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, 50% of the people of this country consider the attack on Afghanistan to be a mistake.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, One year after the disgraceful withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, 50% of Americans say that the attack on Afghanistan was a mistake.

“Gallup” published the findings of this survey and added that since the beginning of the war in 2001, the majority of Americans believed that the attack on Afghanistan was not wrong.

Read more:

One year after humiliating departure from Afghanistan; America is still caught in the frenzy of war

Shortly after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan began in October 2001, the American public overwhelmingly supported it, and by early 2002, 93 percent of Americans believed that sending troops to Afghanistan was not a mistake.

The Republican members of the Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of Representatives declared the withdrawal of the country’s troops from Afghanistan a “strategic failure” last week.

The “Hill” magazine wrote that the Republicans in the Foreign Relations Committee of the US House of Representatives evaluated the withdrawal of the country’s military from Afghanistan in a 118-page report entitled “Strategic Failure”.

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