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Friday, July 5, 2024

We are witnessing a decline in democracy in Europe

During a visit to Greece, the world’s Catholic leader spoke of the decline of democracy in Europe, describing the refugee crisis on the continent as a “terrible modern odyssey.”

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoted by Middle East Monitor, Pope Francis told reporters and international officials at the Greek presidential palace that the world is witnessing a decline in democracy.

Francis referred to the issue of European asylum seekers and said: “We cannot avoid worrying about the retreat of democracy. The issue of immigration is a “terribly modern odyssey” aimed at drawing attention to the refugee crisis in Europe. Europe continues to be skeptical, and the European Union, instead of being the engine of solidarity, has become the prey of nationalist personal interests and sometimes seems blocked and incoherent.”

While calling democracy complicated, the pope stressed the need for wider participation and warned of easy and attractive responses to populism. The Catholic leader of the world also called for the return of public good in politics, quoting several Greek philosophers.

Greek President Ekaterini Saclaropoulos, who greeted Pope Francis, praised him for his social sensitivity and support. “Francis’s visit is of symbolic value and reflects his concern in the region,” he said: “I welcome you with pride.”

Read more: Financial Times: Europe returns diplomatic mission to Kabul: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=14005

After a two-day stay in Cyprus, the Catholic leader arrived in Athens on Saturday morning for a two-and-a-half-day visit to meet with Greek Orthodox Christians.

In his speech while visiting the Greek island of Lesbos, the pope stated that the Mediterranean Sea has become a cold cemetery and that this large pool of water, which was the cradle of many civilizations, now looks like a mirror of death.

The Mediterranean Sea is witnessing the constant efforts of thousands of illegal immigrants to reach Europe, only more than 1,200 migrants lost their lives at sea in 2020.

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