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Monday, July 1, 2024

US troops flee Syria’s Al-Tanf base

Syrian sources revealed the escape of American troops from the Al-Tanf base in Syria to Jordan.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, Syrian sources say the Americans have withdrawn most of their forces from al-Tanf base.

Al-Watan Syria reported that the US coalition kept part of its forces in special shelters and transferred most of its forces to Jordan.

The sources stressed that the American coalition has equipped the shelters inside the base.

Al-Mayadin also reported that the Americans had withdrawn their forces from Al-Tanf for fear of retaliatory attacks.

Specialties of Al-Tanf

This American base is located in the border triangle of Syria, Iraq and Jordan. This base was built illegally and has a 50 km no-go area; Al-Tanf region is key and geostrategically important because for the United States and the Zionist regime, it plays the role of creating a barrier to the corridor of Iran, Iraq and Syria.

Al-Tanf crossing is the common border point between Syria, Iraq and Jordan, which is the first and most important Syrian-Iraqi border crossing.

Read more: Continued theft of oil and looting of Syrian grains by the American occupiers: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17874

In recent years, the United States and its allies have sought to prevent the Syrian army and its allies from gaining control of the crossing.

Control of the crossing is within a 56-kilometer radius of US forces, and Washington does not even allow Syrian forces to approach the Al-Tanf crossing.

This crossing is also very important politically, because this crossing, due to its proximity to Iraq, connects the axis of resistance in Syria and Iraq, an issue that the United States and its allies fear, and their most important strategy is to prevent the connection of resistance groups in the region.

Pamela Spencer, a Norwegian analyst, says the US military base at Al-Tanf is one of the country’s largest military bases in the West Asian region and, consequently, in Syria.

Attack on US military base in eastern Syria

The US military base in eastern Syria was hit by a rocket on Thursday morning.

The attack took place in the Omar oil region in eastern Syria, Saberin News reported.

The base was also attacked yesterday.

Attacks on US bases were once considered a special act and an exception, but today attacks on US bases have become commonplace. Recent developments have shown that the Americans have been unable to resist the growth of missile and drone strikes by the resistance forces.

In fact, the United States has now come to the conclusion that the equations of war in the Middle East have changed and that resistance groups have moved from the threat stage to the implementation stage. Numerous attacks on US bases in northern and northeastern Syria indicate that the United States could be hit and receive no response as the United States engages in structural problems in the region, prompting US President Joe Biden to flee.

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