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Thursday, July 4, 2024

United Nations: The human rights situation in Palestine is deplorable

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights described the human rights situation in occupied Palestine as “deplorable”.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency, ‌ quoted by Anatolian News Agency, “The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mitchell Bachelet, said in a briefing to the Committee for the Involvement of the inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people: The human rights situation in occupied Palestine is “very deplorable”.

She added: Israel has been besieging Gaza by land, sea and air for 15 years and the people are in a very deplorable situation.

Stating that “Restrictions on freedom of movement have made it difficult for Palestinians to access basic services such as hospitals,” she said: Palestinians living with the reality of occupation and siege are systematically deprived of their fundamental rights and freedoms.

Read more: Pakistani Foreign Ministry: Supporting Palestine is a fundamental principle of our foreign policy: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=16049

Expressing deep concern over the disproportionate and excessive use of force by Israel against the Palestinians, which would lead to their deaths, she said: This year alone, 15 children have been killed in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Bachelet strongly criticized human rights violations in Palestine, saying: The judiciary ignores the violence of the settlers against the Palestinians, the human rights situation in the occupied Palestine is very dire and catastrophic.

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