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Friday, September 20, 2024

Uncovering the secret gang of moral corruption in the British Parliament

Pak Sahafat – A member of the British Parliament announced the existence of a mafia network of moral corruption in the legislative body of this country, in which the names of 40 British politicians who are known for bullying and sexual misconduct are registered.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Friday, “Charlotte Nichols” from the British Labor Party stated that the names of two former ministers of the government can be seen in this list. His colleagues have warned him never to accept drinks from these people or be alone with them.

He added that he avoids them “as much as possible” to stay safe; Even if it means avoiding trying to work with them.

The representative of “Warrington North” constituency explained in an interview with “BBC5” radio network: When I became a member of parliament in 2019, “I was told to never accept a drink from them, to never be alone with them and to stay away from them as much as possible to stay safe”.

He added: We all know who they are but nothing is done and they continue to walk and do their jobs. This shows the culture of impunity in the parliament. “Nichols” did not elaborate on the members of this list and only pointed out that its number is constantly being added.

This is while the publication of several reports about moral corruption in the British Parliament became a hot topic in the media four years ago. Based on the research, moral corruption and sexual harassment among the representatives of this country has become a common thing thanks to the silence of the senior officials of this political institution.

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This research indicates that due to the spread of the culture of silence and flattery in the parliament, sexual harassment continues and remains a hidden problem. Dame Laura Cox, an English lawyer, warned in her report that the moral corruption of some representatives has questioned the entire validity and legitimacy of Parliament. He called for this issue to be dealt with and resolved seriously, although he predicted that it would be difficult to get out of this problem within the framework of the current administration.

In this report, parts of which were reflected in the British press, it is stated that more than half of the parliament staff witnessed or were abused by the unethical behavior of the members of parliament.

This report adds that one-fifth of the subordinates of representatives of nobles and commoners have been victims of sexual harassment, while 75% of them have not spoken up for fear of losing their jobs.

The mentioned report, which was prepared based on a survey of 1,377 employees of the British Parliament, also confirms that half of the victims do not trust the disciplinary officials of the Parliament to file their complaints.

The publication of this report caused several members of the government, including former Defense Minister Michael Fallon and former British Deputy Prime Minister Damian Green, to resign from their positions due to immoral relationships with young women.

Of course, moral corruption is not limited to the British Parliament, and numerous reports have been published about unethical behavior in other government departments. Not long ago, a shocking report was published about the depth of moral corruption in the Church of England, and it caused the Archbishop of England to apologize and express his shame.

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