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Friday, September 20, 2024

Turkish Minister to American Ambassador: Get your dirty hands off my country!

Pak Sahafat – Turkey’s interior minister said on Friday in response to Washington’s role in closing some diplomatic centers in this country: “Get your dirty hands off my country!

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, citing Sputnik, Suleiman Soylu stated: I know very well what you have done and what steps you have taken in this way and how you want to provoke Turkey.

Following the announcement of the threat of terrorist attacks by the US embassy on Monday, the consulates of Sweden, the Netherlands, England and Germany in Istanbul stopped providing services.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey summoned the ambassadors of nine western countries that had closed their consulates in Istanbul on the pretext of terrorist threats.

The ambassadors of Belgium, Holland, Germany, England, France and Switzerland, who closed their consulates in Istanbul for security reasons, were summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey.

Turkey’s Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, in response to the action of some western countries, including the United States, to close their consulates in Istanbul, called this action a “psychological war” against his country and said: “The United States and the West do not want us to be free and independent in the region.”

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Stating that Turkey knows who supports terrorist organizations, he added: The United States and the West support the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), whose activities are banned in Turkey, and provide money, facilities, and human resources to this terrorist group, which has not abandoned its dream of creating a terrorist state.

Mustafa Sentop, Speaker of the National Assembly of Turkey, also said about the warning of some countries to travel to Turkey and the closing of the diplomatic centers and consulates of some Western countries in Istanbul, “an action aimed at damaging the reputation of Turkey”.

Omar Celik, the spokesman of the ruling Justice and Development Party of Turkey, also said in response to the closure of the British, Dutch, French, Belgian, German and Swiss consulates in Turkey: Western parties have expressed concern about Turkey’s security situation and have done so, while their statements and actions are irresponsible and unacceptable.

He called Turkey a safe country and the Western countries that claim to be the place of activity of anti-immigrant and anti-Islam political groups as unsafe countries and added: The activities of anti-immigrant and anti-Islamic groups have challenged the democracy of western countries, and in the shadow of the silence of the governments of these countries, the holy books of Muslims are being boldly attacked.

Danish-Swedish far-right politician Rasmus Paludan burned a copy of the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm under police protection and with the permission of the Turkish authorities.

Last Friday, he once again insulted the Holy Qur’an after offering Friday prayers in an area in Copenhagen, Denmark, in front of the Islamic Community Mosque of this city.

Edwin Wagensold, the Dutch leader of the far-right group known as “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West”, also burned a copy of the Holy Quran, the Muslim holy book, in the Netherlands on Monday.

Several Western countries, including Germany, France, Italy, and the United States, warned their citizens in Turkey of possible attacks against them in response to this insulting action following the insulting and burning of the Holy Quran in three European countries five days ago.

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