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Friday, September 20, 2024

Turkey seeks Saudi friendship; what is the role of “Israel”?!

The political crisis between Saudi Arabia and Turkey has had many repercussions, especially after the Turkish Attorney General suspended the trial of those suspected in the assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashgechi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018.

Pak Sahafat

New developments in this crisis could pave the way for “Israel” to accelerate the reconciliation process in the next stages and jeopardize the stability of the region.

Experts on regional issues say that after Ishaq Herzog’s visit to Turkey, the two sides have become closer to each other, which indicates the emergence of an unwritten and ambiguous scenario about the resumption of relations between Riyadh and Ankara on the one hand and a new picture of the plans.

Observers also believe that these developments will have repercussions on the political situation of the Zionist regime, especially on the issue of Palestine and Iran’s nuclear program and the process of reconciliation. Tel Aviv has plans based on racist and belligerent thinking against regional countries to threaten stability and security.

Political analysts believe that the Zionist regime is seeking to bring Ankara and Riyadh together to increase pressure on Iran and Russia. Others believe that the regime is afraid of Iran’s nuclear program and is therefore trying to unite opposition countries.

Thus, we see that all these changes and developments are aimed at ignoring an inhuman incident that has been condemned by everyone. The United Nations has described Turkey’s decision to suspend the trial of Khashgechi’s suspects as treasonous and unjust. Ankara, meanwhile, claims to have made the recent decision in an effort to improve relations between the two countries.

Read more:

Close Khashgeji’s murder case; is it time for Turkey to withdraw from Saudi Arabia?

An Istanbul court that has been prosecuting 26 Saudi nationals in absentia for two years in a row in the Khashgechi assassination case says it will ask the Turkish Ministry of Justice to consider the Attorney General’s request. The court has postponed the next hearing to the seventh of next month.

Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu says his country has made important decisions to improve relations with Saudi Arabia. He stressed that judicial co-operation on Khashgechi’s assassination has reached its peak.

In this regard, the representative of the Reporters without Borders, Orul Onderoglu, stressed that the Turkish Ministry of Justice should reject the Attorney General’s request.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General has said that Saudi officials have demanded that the case be referred to the Saudi government and that the “red notices” issued against the defendants be revoked.

Amnesty International Secretary-General Anis Kalamar has also said that Turkey is betraying Khashgechi’s case. He was the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial and arbitrary executions, and his investigation into Khashgechi’s case revealed that Saudi officials were involved in the assassination. He added that he was not surprised by the Turkish government’s new decision, as it ultimately has one of the worst record of imprisoning journalists, so it cannot be trusted.

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