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Tourist attractions for tourists traveling to Iran

Iran’s historical sites and tourist attractions are the choice of many tourists from all over the world due to their attractive and unique Iranian architecture.

The most visited historical places and tourist attractions of Iran

It is well known that the architecture of Iran’s historical sites is the first in the world and it is not a secret to anyone, so just be with us to get acquainted with 20 popular and attractive historical sites.

The best historical places in Iran

The texture of Persian culture and long stories of Iran with the help of Iranian architecture with a rich history has become better and more visible. So that over the centuries, Iranian architectural symbols such as engineering masterpieces and decorative tiles have been general and specific.

Since the historical architecture has a very high diversity, it looks dazzling. In this part of tourism, we will introduce you to 20 historical places in Iran.

20 most popular tourist attractions and historical sites in Iran:

Shah Cheragh Shiraz

Glossy glass tiles that reflect light from all directions surround the exterior of the shrine this historical and valuable place belongs to the fourteenth century and many reconstructions have been done on it after the earthquake, and it is interesting that the interventions that have been done on it have not diminished its splendor in any way, and yet any It surprises someone when it enters the building.

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Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, Isfahan

This majestic mosque, which is considered a masterpiece of Iranian architecture in the Safavid period, dates back to the seventeenth century AD and has gained its popularity and fame due to the presence of delicate tiles and intricate carpets. A very interesting point that is important in this is the very precise harmony that prevails in the whole building.

Qeshm Star Valley

One of the scenic areas of Qeshm is Star Valley. These rocks are made of sandstone and marl (clay limestone) and have been eroded over the years into strange shapes that, if you have a high level of imagination, make them look like things like animals, faces, hands or. .. You will see.

Persepolis, Shiraz

Persepolis is the capital of the Achaemenid dynasty and a clear example of architecture of that period. Ancient remains show the presence of this city until 515 BC. The huge buildings and giant sculptures in this city represent the ancient Iranian architecture.

Isfahan bridges

Thirty-three bridges and Khajoo Bridge are the most famous bridges in Isfahan, which cross the Zayandeh River and are considered masterpieces of Iranian architecture. Every year, many people travel to Isfahan to see these bridges.

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Eram Garden and Palace in Shiraz

Although the Eram Garden was probably built in the 11th century, the palace inside dates back to the 13th century. A palace with a three-story building that evokes such a good and lasting feeling in the mind of every person that it is a little difficult to recount, the air flow in this building is maximized on the lower floors. There is a swimming pool that reflects the unique beauty of the colorful tiles next to the lush gardens.

Jame Mosque of Isfahan

One of the oldest religious buildings in Iran is the Isfahan Grand Mosque, which was built from the seventh to the twentieth century, and its architectural style is four porches with four facing each other. This monument was built in 2012. It is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Yazd Bazaar

Undoubtedly, you are all aware of the fact that the most unique Iranian architecture prevails in the city of Yazd, and this is the result of years of adaptation to the desert environment. A special and unique system of windbreaks for ventilation has been installed in the historical center of the city, which also includes the bazaar.

Sultan Amir Ahmad Bath in Kashan

The construction of this traditional public bath dates back to the 16th century. It is interesting to know that this building gives a very strange and incredible view of the daily life of the general public in ancient Iran.

Stunning decorations such as brickwork, turquoise tiles and gold art and traditional paintings have been worked in this historical building, which has increased its charm to the point that today this bath is introduced as a museum.

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Tower and castle of Kerman port

Another UNESCO World Heritage Site is the ancient desert city of Bam in the south of Kerman province. It can be said that the largest brick building in the world is Bam Citadel, which is 2,000 years old and dates back to the Parthian Empire. After the invasion of the Afghans, the city was somewhat abandoned until 1722, but over time its population increased.

Citadel of Bam

Bam Citadel is the largest brick building in the world that was inhabited from the Parthian period and from the Achaemenid period to the Qajar period. This building is located next to the old Silk Road next to the city of Bam, but in 2003 it was badly damaged by an earthquake and therefore endangered in the World Heritage List, but the reconstruction and cooperation of 12 foreign countries to preserve and restore it, caused Bam citadel will be removed from the endangered heritage list in 2013.

Nasir Al-Molk Mosque, Shiraz

As we said separately in another part of Namnak Tourism, every morning a play of light and color is displayed in this mosque, which is like a glamorous jewelry box, You should know that this architectural masterpiece belongs to the nineteenth century and apart from having colored glass, it is also famous for its dazzling tiles. In fact, these rose tiles that surround the mosque are called the Pink Mosque.

Dome of Qaboos of Golestan

The dome of Qaboos or the current dome of Qavus was built in 375 AH during the reign of “Shams al-Ma’ali Qaboos bin Vashmgir”, one of the Ziari kings in the city of Hyrkani. The Qaboos Dome was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2012. The architectural style is the tallest all-brick tower in the world, Razi style. The height of this tower with its foundation is 72 meters and the height of its dome is 18 meters.

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Persepolis, Shiraz

The architectural style used in this ancient city is an example of the imperial ceremonial style. With basic research, archaeologists linked the antiquity of the monument to 515 questions. Huge sculptures and buildings that introduce the remnants of ancient Iranian architecture.

Historical houses of Kashan

There are historical houses in Kashan that are very beautiful and it is a pity that you do not see the tree-lined courtyards and their interior decorations up close. The best time to visit Kashan is in the spring, because you can also participate in the rose-picking festival.

Roodkhan Castle

Rudkhan Castle is one of the beautiful and historical places in the north of the country that attracts many tourists. This castle is a strong military fortress that was built during the Sassanid era and was rebuilt a few centuries after its initial construction, which is also called the “castle of a thousand steps” because to reach the castle you have to climb a thousand steps.

Zanjan Cave

This cave, located in Zanjan province, was discovered less than a century ago, but excavations have shown that the cave dates back to the Jurassic period. It is thought that this cave is connected to Ali Sadr Cave in Hamedan.

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Choghaznabil Ziggurat

The Choghaznabil Ziggurat has survived from the time of the Elamites to the center of the ancient city of Susa, which is located forty-five kilometers south of the ancient city and the history of Susa and thirty-five kilometers from the city of Shushtar.

This structure is square in size and measures 105 meters by 105 meters and its height was 52 meters at the beginning of construction and in five floors, but today its height is 25 meters and only two floors remain.

Choghaznabil Nai is on the World Heritage List and was registered in the list of national monuments of Iran in 1348.

Kermanshah Bostan Arch

Bostan Arch is mentioned as one of the most valuable historical monuments in Iran and even in the world, which is a collection of lithographs and lithographs related to the Sassanid period, which is located in the Bostan Arch neighborhood in the northwest of Kermanshah.

The creation of this area dates back to the third century AD and is one of the most important historical monuments in Iran and even the world, which is more than 2000 years old. In this collection, you will see the first stone painting in the world, observing the rules and principles of painting.

Golestan palace

One of the oldest historical monuments in Tehran is the palace, which is from the former royal complex of the Qajar dynasty. You should know that in general, all gardens, Iranian handicrafts and royal buildings appeared from the 18th and 19th centuries.

It is noteworthy that unfortunately a large number of buildings in the complex were destroyed by Reza Shah in 1925-1945 because he felt that the old architecture was in conflict with the modernization of Iran and is one of its obstacles.

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