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Friday, September 20, 2024

Tighten siege on Netanyahu in the occupied regime

The Hebrew newspaper “Yedioth Ahronoth” wrote: The agreement is an important step in putting the Likud party led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a quandary.

The two parties, Amal Jadid, led by Gaddon Saer, and Yemina, led by Naftali Bennett in the occupied regime, announced a coalition agreement to distribute seats after the election.

The elections in the Zionist regime are based on the list of parties, so that each voter votes for one list. After the election, the total number of votes cast is divided by the number of seats in the Knesset, and the average number of votes required to win a seat is obtained. The total number of votes for each party is then divided by this number to determine the number of seats it can win. In the end, there are always a number of votes added by each party that do not reach a full seat. An additional ballot agreement applies here, and the parties to the agreement give their additional votes to each other, resulting in the addition of several Knesset seats.

According to the newspaper, the two parties, Bennett and Saer (both right-wing parties), signed the agreement out of a desire to cooperate in the future.

A similar agreement was reached between the “Hanak Future” (moderate) party led by Yair Labid and the “Israel Beitna” (right-wing) party led by Avigdor Lieberman, and some recent reports suggest that no other right-wing party has signed a similar agreement.

The other party was recently formed after splitting from the Likud party and pledged to end Netanyahu’s rule, accusing Netanyahu of diverting Likud from its goals and using it as a tool to further its own interests.

The Zionist regime is scheduled to hold its fourth election on March 23 in less than two years.

It is worth mentioning that the (parliament) of the Zionist regime was dissolved two weeks ago with the expiration of the legal deadline of the public budget and due to the non-approval of the bill postponing the approval of the budget.

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