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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Zionist media are worried about the return of the “corrupt and lying” Netanyahu.

Pak Sahafat – Tel Aviv print media called Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the political coalition that won the election (Knesset), the Zionist regime as “corrupt and a liar” and wrote: Netanyahu does not hesitate to sacrifice everyone in order to maintain his position.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Saturday, the Zionist newspaper “Israel Hum” published in Tel Aviv wrote in an article referring to the victory of the extreme right in the recent Knesset elections of the Zionist regime: Although some people tend to blame the dangers of forming a new coalition on the shoulders of Itamar Ben Goyer (hardline representative of the Knesset and Netanyahu’s ally), all the successes and failures of this coalition will be written in the name of Netanyahu.

This Zionist media reminded Netanyahu’s order to the Zionist intelligence agency “Mossad” to assassinate “Khaled Meshaal” in Jordan during his first term as prime minister and added: In the next term of prime minister that lasted for 12 years, Netanyahu behaved more balanced and understood the limitations of using power, and the other Israeli security apparatus had to convince him to agree to carry out the operation.

According to the Zionist newspaper “Israel Hume”, stating that few people in the new coalition of the Zionist regime are in favor of annexing the occupied West Bank to other occupied territories or increasing the Zionist settlements in the east of the Green Line (occupied territories in 1948) and changing the status of Jerusalem, warned: Such actions are very dangerous and can lead to an increase in (anti-Zionist operations by Palestinian militants), an uprising in the West Bank and tension throughout the region.

This Zionist media reminded about the economic and diplomatic consequences of any expansionist action by the new coalition and wrote: These measures can lead to a critical reaction from Jordan and Egypt and damage the Ibrahim agreement (agreement on the normalization of relations between Arab countries and the Israeli regime) and Tel Aviv’s relations with America and other Western countries.

Read more:

At the end of the elections, the Zionist regime/Netanyahu’s coalition won 64 seats

Where being a sinner doesn’t matter

The Zionist newspaper “Israel Hum” stated that such actions may turn the whole world against Tel Aviv, and wrote: Many issues such as conscription of Orthodox Jews, relations with American Jews and the economy (regime) of Israel can be affected by these issues.

Zionist newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” in Tel Aviv, referring to the holding of five elections since Netanyahu’s corruption became public in the past four years, wrote: Netanyahu does not hesitate to sacrifice everything for his interests and promotion.

This Zionist media said that the results of the elections indicate that “Israel is captive to Netanyahu,” and wrote: This is a place where guilt doesn’t matter and someone is in power and is supposed to influence the appointment of the Attorney General, the Chief Justice, the Chief of Police and other officials who are on trial for political corruption.

The Zionist newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” quoted Bezalel Smotrich, head of the “Religious Zionism” party and one of Netanyahu’s allies, and wrote: Even the most loyal supporters of Netanyahu understand that regardless of his right-wing ideology, in the end, you cannot trust someone whose foundation is made of lies.

Last Tuesday, the Zionist regime held the fifth election in the last four years. Officials of this regime have warned about the danger of internal collapse due to internal disunity and differences between Orthodox Jews and secular and Zionist currents.

Netanyahu’s camp won a total of 64 seats and will form the future cabinet.

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