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Saturday, June 29, 2024

The US deterrent power against Iran has disappeared

Criticizing Joe Biden’s foreign policy, the Republican Senate President called his administration a factor in destroying US deterrent power against Iran.

Pak Sahafat – In a statement to the US Senate, Mitch McConnell referred to the Yemeni Ansarullah attack on the UAE during the visit of the Zionist regime: Iran’s strategy is to use violence to drive the United States out of the Middle East, and this strategy has doubled after the humiliating US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Failure to respond decisively to Iranian-backed attacks on US forces in the region has undermined Washington’s deterrent power and significantly increased the threat to US forces.

Joe Biden removed Ansarullah from the list of terrorist groups after entering the White House as one of his first actions. Former Republican President Donald Trump included Ansarullah in the list in the last days of his presidency.

Criticizing Biden’s move to remove the Yemeni Ansarullah movement from the list of terrorist groups, McConnell claimed that it was after the Biden administration that Iranian-backed forces in Yemen intensified their attacks.

Read more: American Commander: In the Ain al-Assad attack, the Iranians hit wherever they wanted: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17558

McConnell blamed the Biden administration’s distraction and threats on its threats against its allies and interests in the Middle East on the possible approach of traditional US partners to Moscow and Beijing, and its continued obsession with returning to the Obama administration’s failed nuclear deal. He considered 2015 and its transformation as an important diplomatic goal.

According to him, the Biden government, by blaming its predecessor for its “maximum pressure” approach and showing a reluctance to respond decisively to attacks by Iranian-backed forces, effectively removed the threat of sanctions or military action from the table and thwarted its diplomacy from the outset.

Bob Menendez, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has previously claimed that the president should put pressure on Iran to counter its nuclear and missile programs. He said even some of Biden’s own diplomats had resigned because of concerns about Washington’s senior negotiator’s soft stance on Tehran.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee announced yesterday that a meeting is scheduled for February 9 to discuss the latest developments in the Vienna talks. Robert Mali, the US special envoy for Iran, was also asked to attend the meeting and report to the senators on the Vienna talks on reviving the Iran nuclear deal.

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