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Sunday, September 22, 2024

The US Congress seeks to remove Russia from the Security Council under the pretext of the Ukraine war

Pak Sahafat – Two lawmakers of the American Congress, presenting a plan on the pretext of the war in Ukraine and with political goals, have asked the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to remove Russia’s membership in the Security Council.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, Foreign Policy magazine reported that the request of these two American legislators was raised while there are only a few days left until the war in Ukraine enters its tenth month.

In a plan provided to Foreign Policy, Steve Cohen and Joe Wilson, two legislators of the US Congress, have claimed that Russia has “obviously violated the UN Charter”. They have also questioned the right of this country to have a seat in the Security Council on the pretext of annexing four regions in Ukraine to Russian territory, preparing to attack Ukrainian cities and the risk of disrupting the global food supply.

The security and human rights monitoring body in the United States known as the Helsinki Commission last October asked the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to oppose Russia’s position as a member of the Security Council. The commission is now asking Congress to remove Russia from the council, arguing that Russia’s war has violated the “purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

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This institution asked American government agencies to take steps to limit Russia’s privileges in the United Nations, but left the decision on possible measures to the American government.

According to Foreign Policy, Ukraine has supported Russia’s removal from the Security Council, but experts are skeptical about the possibility of realizing such an effort.

The UN Charter does not have an article regarding the possibility of removing one of the permanent members of the Security Council. While countries can be removed from the United Nations, this action requires a two-thirds vote of the members in the General Assembly and the unanimous consent of the members of the Council itself.

Although the plans presented in the US House of Representatives are not binding, this action shows the efforts of Congress and the Biden administration to curb Russian influence.

America and Ukraine are trying to find an alternative to reduce Moscow’s influence due to the long-standing differences with Russia and at the same time as the war in Ukraine. Last September, in a speech at the UN General Assembly, Biden raised the issue of reforming the Security Council, including the addition of permanent and non-permanent members, including from African, Latin American and Caribbean countries.

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