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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The UAE project to achieve the goals of Tel Aviv in Iraq

An Iraqi political analyst exposed the UAE’s widespread involvement, especially after the normalization of Abu Dhabi’s relations with Tel Aviv in Iraq, and said that the Zionist regime was behind a plan to draw a political map in Iraq in line with the Zionist goals.

Sabah al-Taie, an Iraqi political analyst, said: The UAE’s intervention in Iraq goes beyond those Tel Aviv plans to change the country’s political map and bring it in line with the Zionist regime’s policies in the region.

He added: “The questions raised by Qais al-Khazali about the UAE’s involvement and its intelligence role, and the UAE’s attempt to control Iraqi intelligence, emphasize that information is given to US forces about the positions of the popular uprising and the movement of its forces.”

Al-Taie emphasized: The UAE has already intervened in the Iraq case; But recently, after the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, his involvement has expanded, and this shows the volume of the Zionist plan that he seeks to implement through the UAE, in order to disrupt the political plan of Iraq and make it in line with the Zionist plan in the region.

The Iraqi analyst further emphasized: Holding elections is a challenge between the patriotic forces and the mercenaries of the UAE and the Zionists.

Iraqi envoys’ anger over government silence over ignoring Iraqi sovereignty

Representatives of various Iraqi parliamentary factions strongly criticized the government’s silence and failure to take any action in the face of repeated violations of sovereignty, calling it the cause of more crimes in Iraq.

“Abbas Al-Zameli”, the representative of Badr faction, announced: The government’s failure to take any action in response to US actions is tantamount to further crimes against the popular uprising.

“Mohammad Karim” from the Sadeghun faction also announced: Continued violations of Iraqi sovereignty and its actions against the popular uprising and its non-accountability or any action that guarantees the rights of Iraq will lead the United States to take more action against the security forces.

“Bassem Khazal,” an independent member of the Iraqi parliament, also said: The government and the parties only take a stand and condemn without taking any deterrent action to prevent the repetition of these actions.

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