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Thursday, September 19, 2024

The shock of the resignation and the countdown to the fall of the Johnson government

Pak Sahafat- The sudden resignation of two key ministers of the British government shortly after the vote of no confidence in Boris Johnson and on the eve of the hearing of the parliamentary investigation committee on the prime minister’s violations has pushed the conservative government to the brink of collapse more than ever before.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, The resignation of Rishi Sunak from the position of the finance minister and in fact the most senior person in the government after the prime minister, along with the British health minister who played an important role during the corona epidemic, dealt a fatal blow to Johnson’s shaky credibility.

Sunak wrote in a letter to Boris Johnson: Leaving a ministerial post at any time is a serious matter. For me, stepping down as Treasury Secretary while the world is suffering from the economic consequences of the pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other serious challenges is a decision I did not take lightly. However, the public rightly expects government to be properly, competently and seriously administered.

He added: I know this may be my last ministerial job, but I believe upholding standards are worth fighting for, and that’s why I’m resigning.

Health Minister Sajid Javed also wrote in his letter to the Prime Minister that “he can no longer continue to serve in the government with a clear conscience.” He pointed out that the prime minister violated party values ​​and added: It is clear to me that this situation will not change under your leadership and you have also lost my trust.

The developments came after the British Prime Minister admitted in an interview that he should not have appointed MP Chris Pincher as Deputy Speaker in February. Chris Pincher is accused of sexually assaulting two men last week.

Last night, Johnson appointed Nazem Zahavi, a British politician of Iraqi descent, as Rishi Sunak’s successor. In recent years, Zahavi has climbed the steps of promotion in Johnson’s administration. In 2020, he was appointed as the representative of the government in the implementation of the general vaccination plan, and the following year he took the helm of the Ministry of Education. This British-Iraqi citizen has been chosen as the second most senior person in the Johnson administration.

According to this report, Steve Barclay, the former minister of Brexit, was also appointed as the British health minister, and in this way Johnson’s cabinet was restored. But the shock of last night’s resignations added to the pressure for him to step down, and for the first time, most of the Conservative Party voters called for Johnson’s immediate resignation.

According to a poll by Yougoo Institute, 54% of those who voted for Johnson’s party in the 2019 election want him to resign from power, while 69% of British people want the resignation of the prime minister and only 18% support him.

Read more:

The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson changes his team to save himself

Endgame for Johnson

While reflecting the crisis in Johnson’s government, most of the English newspapers welcomed the word “endgame” on Wednesday. The Guardian newspaper wrote in a report titled “With Sunak and Javed leaving the cabinet, is it all over for Boris Johnson?”, wrote: With the departure of Rishi Sunak and Sajid Javid from the cabinet, everything is almost over for Boris Johnson, although it is possible It will take some time for his opponents to bring him to the finish line.

This English publication considered the resignation of the Minister of Finance as an important development and pointed out that Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of England, also resigned following the resignation of Nigel Lawson, the Minister of Finance at the time.

The Guardian added that even if there were no further resignations, the climate in the Conservative Party is against Johnson and has put him on a downward spiral. According to this English publication, Boris Johnson is known for his stubbornness, but it is unlikely that he will step down just because two ministers decided to resign. But Conservative MPs increasingly believe they have no chance of winning the next election under his leadership.

Will Johnson suffer the fate of Neville Chamberlain?

Boris Johnson has now been Prime Minister for 1,077 days – almost the same as Neville Chamberlain’s 1,078 days, Sky News reported on its website.

Chamberlain’s tenure as Prime Minister ended in May 1940, nine months after World War II, after MPs criticized his leadership and management style.

One of the key moments was when Tory MP Leo Amery said to Mr Chamberlain the words originally spoken to the royal family by the 17th-century politician and general Oliver Cromwell: “For every good deed you have done you have more than you are sitting here. Go as soon as God pleases.” It happened that Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister three days later.

According to this report, David Davis, a conservative representative, raised the same issue to Johnson last January. So if Johnson remains prime minister until Thursday, he will have surpassed the Chamberlain era. But to defeat “Theresa May” her predecessor will have to last a little longer. Mrs. “May” was the prime minister for 1,106 days; that means Johnson must keep his job until August 4.

Not long ago, a prominent English historian, referring to the increasing pressure for Johnson’s resignation, predicted that he would not remain prime minister for long. Anthony Seldon said it was an “illusion” to think Johnson could stay in power as prime minister given the growing amount of “public resentment against him”.

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