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Friday, September 20, 2024

The sexual scandal of the leading rabbi of the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – The police of the Israeli regime started an investigation into the crimes of sexual assault committed by Rabbi “Tsevi Tav”, the spiritual leader of the extreme conservative group “Noum” and a partner of the “Religious Zionism” party.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the “i24” channel of the Zionist regime announced this Friday and added: The investigation began after a woman complained that Tsoi Tau, who was the head of a religious school, sexually assaulted her several years ago.

This woman named “Tina” disclosed this issue in a public interview on the Israeli Regime’s Channel 12, and as a result, several prominent Jewish rabbis publicly demanded an investigation into the allegations of sexual assault against “Tsevi Tau”.

Stating that her family has always been close to Rabbi Tao, this young woman continued: I was under his psychological influence, he hurt me many times during my childhood and even after I got married and became a mother.

Read more:

Jewish rabbi: The crimes of the Zionists are against Judaism and humanity

She added: I tried to ask for help in different ways, but I didn’t know how to do it then… I tried to call the police once when I was 10 years old.

This woman stated that while many people have not accepted her claims; She was under intense pressure from those around her to remain silent.

She added that the said rabbi abused her power and prestige to commit these assaults.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Channel 12 reported that the Israeli police will investigate other possible victims of Rabbi Tsevi.

This is not the first case of the scandal of the rabbis of the Zionist regime, but many reports of moral scandals and financial corruption and even organ trafficking inside and outside the occupied Palestine were published before.

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