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The series of Zionists attacks on Al-Aqsa Mosque

Pak Sahafat – Palestinians believe that Israel is working hard to Judaize Jerusalem and erase its Arab and Islamic identity. The Zionists have declared that without Jerusalem, the cause of Zionism has no meaning.

According to the international group of Pak Sahafat news agency, On Saturday, 249 Zionist settlers stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem while restricting the entry of Muslim worshipers. An official of the Islamic Endowment Department in Jerusalem said: 249 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, which was guarded by Israeli police. This was despite the fact that the Zionist regime police had imposed restrictions on the entry of Palestinian worshipers into Al-Aqsa Mosque during these attacks.

According to eyewitnesses, Nasim Faturi, a member of Israel’s Knesset (parliament) from the right-wing Likud party, was among those who attacked the mosque. The Zionist police also prevented worshipers under 40 from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque to offer prayers.

Right-wing Israeli groups called for the escalation of the attack on Al-Aqsa Mosque on the occasion of the Jewish Hanukkah holiday, which began last Sunday and will continue for a week. Meanwhile, “Itamar Ben Goyer”, the head of the racist party “Jewish Power” and one of the extreme right-wing personalities and controversial members of Netanyahu’s new cabinet, announced some time ago that he will attack Al-Aqsa Mosque in the near future.

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The number of attacks by Zionists on the holy places of Muslims and even Christians usually increases during Jewish religious holidays and takes place twice in the morning and afternoon prayer from the gate of the western wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque known as the “Western Wall” with the facilities and escort of the Israeli police.

In 2008, despite the repeated action of the Jerusalem Islamic Endowment Department and the Palestinian authorities in condemning the Zionist attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Israeli police gave permission for these attacks. This is while the Palestinians say that the Zionist regime is trying hard to Judaize Jerusalem and erase its Arab and Islamic identity.

Since its inception, the illegitimate Zionist regime has always had expansionist plans, under the shadow of the comprehensive support of America and some western countries and the silence and passivity of international institutions, which in recent months has caused more intense tensions between the Palestinians and the regime.

In 1897, with the formation of the Zionist movement, Jews from all over the world joined this movement. The Jewish capitalists and the founders of the Zionist movement took advantage of the religious sentiments of the Jews to strengthen this connection in Mount Zion near Jerusalem by settling in Palestine and Jerusalem and give it a religious color.

With the beginning of the black era of the British government’s 30-year guardianship over Palestine between 1918 and 1948 (the time of the occupation of Palestine), the first Jewish settlement in Jerusalem was built in the late 19th century by “Moshe Fontefuri”, a Jewish millionaire.

This zionist millionaire was able to buy a valuable piece of land in Jerusalem from the Ottoman government under the pretext of building a hospital, but this piece of land later turned into the first neighborhood of newly arrived Zionists in Jerusalem instead of building a hospital.

On the other hand, Zionist leaders initiated and accelerated the process of Zionizing the face of Jerusalem and Palestine during these 3 decades. For many years, they were able to settle Jewish immigrants in these purchased areas by purchasing Palestinian lands, especially Jerusalem and its suburbs.

In 1918, one year after the Balfour Declaration of the British Foreign Minister, which promised the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine, Maclean, an English engineer, presented a map of the city of Jerusalem for the construction of Zionist neighborhoods by dividing it into 3 areas.

In this map, Jerusalem was divided into East Quds, West Quds and the old city and the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque and historical places. This map was later used as a model for Israeli rulers after the June 1967 war. In all these years, the British generals managed the foundation of the new structure of Jerusalem with the help of English engineers.

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Parallel to the construction projects in Jerusalem and other Palestinian areas, the World Zionist Agency, with the help of the British commanders ruling Palestine, encouraged the Jews of the world to immigrate to Palestine and settle in the city of Jerusalem by applying incentive policies.

With the occupation of Palestine and the announcement of the existence of the usurper Israel in Palestine and the occurrence of the first Arab-Israeli war in 1948, the armies of the Arab countries were able to liberate the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, which included the old quarter, from the yoke of the invaders. At this time, Jerusalem was divided into two parts, and the western part was occupied and controlled by Israel, and the eastern part was entrusted to the endowment administration of Jordan.

This was while “David Ben-Gurion”, the first prime minister of the Zionist regime, announced in a speech in 1949 on the first anniversary of the occupation of Palestine and the establishment of Israel: East and West Jerusalem are an inseparable part of Israel, and Israel has no meaning without Jerusalem.

A contract that was more than a mirage

Years later, in 1993, Yasser Arafat, the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Movement, signed an agreement called the “Oslo Agreement” with the Zionist regime, according to which the Palestinian Authority, the Zionist regime, in the territories of the 1967 war, i.e., the territories occupied by the regime was recognized.

The war of 1967, which is known as “Yum al-Naksa”; It is the defeat of the Arab countries against Israel in the six-day war, during which the entire territory of Palestine, plus the Sinai desert in Egypt and the Golan Heights, was occupied by the Zionist regime.

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As a result of the 1967 war, Israel controlled the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which was previously annexed by Jordan and administered by Egypt. In the Oslo agreement, Arafat rejected the resistance and gave many concessions to Tel Aviv to recognize the West Bank and Gaza as a Palestinian state in return for the Zionist regime. But in practice, after the signing of the agreement, especially after the assassination of Arafat by the Mossad, the Zionist regime violated the agreement thousands of times and not only continued its settlement process in the West Bank, but also put Gaza under siege and intense conflict.

Oslo did not care about the provisions of Quds

After the 1967 war, the Zionist regime planned to divide Jerusalem into two parts, the western and the eastern; Because in this war, East Quds was completely occupied by the regime, but in the Oslo Accords, Arafat did not accept this demand and declared: The capital of the Palestinians is Quds and your capital is Tel Aviv. But in the end, in this agreement, the determination of the status of Jerusalem was suspended and depended on the opinion of the Zionist side. In the mentioned compromise agreement, there are no detailed provisions on the issue of water, the return of Palestinian refugees, the issue of Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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Quds is currently managed by the Zionist regime and self-governing organizations that are under the regime’s domination and pressure, and the resistance has no base there.

Palestinians are prohibited from entering Jerusalem

“If Jesus was born today in Bethlehem, he would have a green birth certificate”. This is the text of a tweet by a Palestinian user criticizing the plan to separate Palestinians from entering Jerusalem. “Salem Brahme” wrote in this tweet while congratulating Christmas: “If Jesus Christ (pbuh) was born today in Bethlehem, he would have a green birth certificate; Because Jesus (pbuh) needs an Israeli military permit to visit his family or go to Jerusalem.

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During the 1967 war and the occupation of Jerusalem by the Zionist regime, Palestinians were prohibited from entering Jerusalem; And after the war, the identification document of the Palestinian people was separated into two green and blue documents. The blue identification card is for the people of Quds; This means that the owner of this document is a Palestinian Arab permanently residing in Jerusalem and is not considered a citizen and does not have citizenship rights. On the other hand, if a person who has a blue card takes residence in another country or obtains a passport of another country and also stays outside of occupied Palestine for 7 years, the blue permit will be taken from him.

But the green certificate belongs to the West Bank, which is issued by the self-governing organization; Currently, the main point of dispute in the issue of Palestinians entering Jerusalem is the separation of documents, because if a Palestinian person has a green passport – which belongs to the West Bank – he cannot enter Jerusalem. The only way to enter is to have a blue permit that shows that this person has a permanent residence permit in Quds.

Tel Aviv’s goal of restricting the entry of Muslims to Al-Aqsa Mosque

One of the important causes of the recent events in Jerusalem is the will of the Zionists to finalize the plan for the temporal and spatial division of Al-Aqsa Mosque; The incident that happened before this happened around the Ebrahimi shrine in the city of Hebron. The Zionist regime is trying to limit the entry of Muslims to Al-Aqsa Mosque to a specific time and place; (For example, banning Muslims from entering the Nadba Wall, banning Muslims from entering al-Aqsa Mosque on certain days and even different hours, entering and leaving Muslims based on time lists by the occupying regime) if the ownership of the mosque actually belongs to Muslims, but Islamic and Palestinian institutions have no right to decide on this issue. This policy has angered all Palestinians living in the West Bank, Gaza, the occupied territories and inside Jerusalem.

Until now, the Palestinian groups have shown fierce resistance to their position; They are trying to thwart Israel in this goal in every possible way; Because in their opinion, the next step of this regime will be the complete withdrawal of Muslims and the complete control of the Zionists over Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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