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Friday, September 20, 2024

The reaction of the Saudis to the presence of a Zionist reporter in Medina

Pak Sahafat – A Zionist network reported the presence of an Israeli journalist in Saudi Arabia and the reaction of the Saudis to his presence in their country.

According to the report of Pak Sahafat International News Agency, Channel 13 of the Zionist regime announced the presence of one of its journalists in Saudi Arabia and the reaction of the people of this country to the presence of this Zionist journalist.

A Zionist journalist who traveled to Saudi Arabia with a European passport after entering Jordan published a report about his presence in Saudi Arabia.

He has published pictures of his presence next to the shrine of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Saudi Arabia.

The report also documented the reaction of the Saudis when the Zionist reporter revealed his true identity to them.

This Zionist reporter announced that his trip to Madinah lasted 4 hours and he and his companion rented a car for this tour.

He clarified: When the driver heard that we were going to publish this report through the Israeli media, he asked us not to take pictures of him and warned us not to reveal our identity, because people will not treat Israelis well.

Read more:

Reaction to the scandal of the Zionists’ visit to Makkah during the Hajj season

The journalist of Channel 13 of the Zionist regime said to two other Saudi citizens: “I am from Israel” and these two citizens left the place as soon as they heard this sentence.

In the pictures published on this channel of the Zionist regime, two Saudi youths can be seen who announced to this reporter: We will not allow the Zionists to sleep in our land.

This Zionist journalist said upon his arrival in Madinah: We reached Madinah, which is considered the second holiest city of Islam. After that, he appeared next to the doors of the Prophet’s Mosque and pointed to the holy shrine of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and said: The green dome you see behind me is the shrine of Prophet Muhammad.

This is while a few days ago, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Zionist regime congratulated the government of this country on the anniversary of what is called the National Day of Saudi Arabia, in line with the warming of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

Saudi Arabia is taking more steps towards the normalization of relations with Israel day by day and taking measures aimed at preparing the political and public environment to accept the normalization of relations with Israel in Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries of the Persian Gulf.

This is while “Faisal bin Farhan”, the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, recently emphasized that the agreement on the creation of the Palestinian state “will be a precondition for the establishment of official diplomatic relations with Israel”.

The Zionist media outlet Ma’ariv announced: Israel has recently accelerated the process of negotiations with Saudi Arabia to normalize relations, and this process is being carried out with the support of the United States.

According to the results of a recent survey by the Washington Foundation for American Studies, regarding the issue of the normalization of relations between the Zionist regime and the UAE, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, more than two-thirds of the people of these countries have expressed their opposition to the agreements to normalize relations with the Zionist regime.

The results of this survey indicate that 75% of the Saudi people oppose the normalization of relations with the occupation regime.

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