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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The reaction of Palestinian groups to the Iraqi parliament’s decision to criminalize normalization

Pak Sahafat – Palestinian resistance groups, in response to a decision by the Iraqi parliament yesterday (Thursday) to criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, described the Iraqi move as historic and a model for other Arab countries.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency on Friday, in a statement, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) praised the Iraqi parliament‘s decision to criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime.

The statement from the Palestinian Resistance Group said that the decision to reject and criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime in the Iraqi parliament is a historic, definite, principled decision and expresses support for the Palestinian cause.

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad also stressed the Iraqi parliament’s decision to criminalize normalization, which closed the door to the Zionist enemy.

A statement from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said that yesterday’s decision by the Iraqi parliament would prevent the enemy from trying to infiltrate more Arab capitals through the normalization project.

Read more:

Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament: There is no question of normalizing relations with Israel

The Lebanese Hezbollah movement has previously issued a statement condemning the Iraqi parliament’s decision to criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, expressing Iraqis’ commitment and support for the Palestinian cause.

In a statement, Hezbollah praised the Iraqi parliament’s decision to criminalize the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, describing it as a major step in supporting the Palestinian people and a historic lesson for the compromisers.

The Iraqi parliament passed a law criminalizing relations with the Zionist regime by a majority of 275 deputies out of a total of 329 deputies yesterday.

The Iraqi parliament passed the law “amending the ban on normalization and establishing relations with the Zionist regime” to “criminalizing normalization with the Zionist regime”.

Following the passage of the law, members of the Iraqi parliament chanted “No to Israel.”

The bill was submitted to parliament at the suggestion of the Sadr faction and with the support of all Shiite political currents (Coalition of the Coordination Framework), and was passed by a majority vote, thus closing the door to those seeking secret ties to the usurper regime. May Iraq be safe from establishing relations with the Zionist regime forever?

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