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The political stalemate in occupied Palestine continues three days before the elections

The latest polls in occupied Palestine show that the Zionist regime’s political stalemate will continue after the fourth parliamentary elections.

In the three days before the general elections in occupied Palestine, the polls show that the political stalemate of the Zionist regime continues.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the polls, the latest pre-election polls under Israeli election law, show that none of the right-wing or left-wing coalitions can win a majority in the 61-seat Knesset.

The Likud party, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has lost its majority in the Knesset but is still 31 seats ahead of other parties, according to a poll conducted by Israel’s Channel 11 television.

The results of the poll showed that after Likud, Yash Atid, led by opposition party leader Yair Lapid in the Knesset, could win 19 seats in the March 20, 2021 elections.

After the two, the New Hope Party, led by Gideon Saer, Netanyahu’s former ally with nine seats, Yamina, headed by Naftali Bennett, with nine seats; Israel Beitona will be next with seven seats, headed by former War Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

The Gantz party won only four Knesset seats in the poll.

According to the Jerusalem Post, if the anti-Netanyahu parties form a coalition, they could have 58 seats, three of which are far from reaching the Knesset majority and forming a cabinet.

The Likud coalition and other pro-Netanyahu parties also won 47 seats.

A poll by the regime’s Channel 12 television station also showed that the political stalemate in forming a cabinet in Tel Aviv would continue.

According to the poll, the Yeshidid Party won 18 seats, the New Hope Party and the Yamina Party 9 seats each, and the two extremist Jewish parties a total of 15 seats.

The results of the study also showed that the Arab Joint List Party could win 8 seats in the new elections, the Labor Party 6 seats and the Israel Beitona party headed by Avigdor Lieberman 7 seats.

The Likud party, led by Netanyahu, fell 4 steps to win 32 seats in the Israeli parliament, and if all the leaders of the parties who said they would not run for office remained in office, Netanyahu would have no way to continue his rule.

The fourth general election in occupied Palestine in the last two years is scheduled for March 23, 2021.

Earlier, however, a Channel 12 poll showed that if the New Hope parties, Yamina, Yeshatid, Israel Beitna and Abi Sefid, form a coalition, they could reach a majority of 62 seats (more than the 60-seat quorum) and introduce an option for the Israeli prime minister.

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