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Friday, September 20, 2024

The Palestinians demanded equality with Ukraine

The Palestinians called on the international community to support the issue in the midst of global solidarity with Ukraine, which is currently being attacked by Russia.

According to Pak Sahafat News agency, quoting news site 24, Hussein al-Sheikh, a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), said in a press release: When color, religion and race become identities, values, morals and humanity are destroyed, and when international legitimacy meets double standards, justice and rights are violated and coercion prevails.

Sheikh said: Dozens of international resolutions have been violated and violated in the face of force and non-implementation, and the Palestinian people are still victims of occupation and injustice.

The Fatah movement, led by Mahmoud Abbas, called on the world, the United Nations and the Security Council to condemn the crimes of the occupying Zionist regime against the Palestinians and not to resort to double standards.

Fatah’s spokesman, Osama al-Qawasemi, and a member of its council, said in a statement: We remind the international community that the Palestinian people are under Israeli occupation and pressure, and that this regime is committing all kinds of torture, killings, harassment, displacement and destruction of homes against them.

Al-Qawasmi added: Israel imposes the structure of apartheid on the Palestinians and violates their simplest rights, while we do not see condemnation or opposition from the international community and its institutions to these crimes.

Fatah’s spokesman continued: Is the blood of the Palestinians different to others? Is humanity based on race and color? We call on the international community to raise a real cry against the occupying Israeli regime and to call for an end to the occupation of Palestine, which is a member of the United Nations.

Read more: “Fatah” narrative of American indebtedness; Biden’s promises to Palestine were smoked: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20785

According to the official Palestinian News Agency (Wafa), four Palestinians, including three children, were injured in a shooting in a suburb of downtown Hebron in the southwest West Bank.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced in a statement: One of them, who was injured in the abdomen, is in critical condition and is currently hospitalized in the intensive care unit.

Dozens of Palestinians also suffered respiratory problems during the Palestinian clashes with the Zionist army in Bab al-Zawiyah in Hebron.

In Nablus, 26 Palestinians were wounded by plastic bullets fired by the occupiers, and dozens more suffered respiratory problems.

Also in similar clashes that followed a weekly demonstration in the town of Kafr Qadum in Qalqilya, two Palestinian youths were shot and dozens of others suffered respiratory problems.

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