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Friday, September 20, 2024

The most important options for the Palestinian resistance to break the siege of Gaza

The Palestinian resistance to force the Zionist regime to break the siege of the Gaza Strip has several options on the table, but the most effective of them is the popular uprising in the West Bank and the beginning of new intifadas throughout Palestine.

Last week, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the 2014 war, Palestinian resistance groups warned that any delay by the Zionist regime in ending the siege of Gaza would provoke a resurgence of anger and a resumption of hostilities.

These groups emphasized: “The battle of Saif al-Quds continues and our hand will remain on the trigger until the complete liberation of the Palestinian land and the return of the Palestinian refugees.”

The Zionist regime recently killed 255 Palestinians, including 66 children, 39 women and 17 elderly people, and wounded more than 1,488 people during the 12-day war against the Gaza Strip. After the cessation of hostilities, Palestinian resistance groups and the Egyptian-led Zionist regime signed an initial ceasefire agreement, and the two sides agreed to agree on a ceasefire. But this regime in various ways, including conditions under which resistance does not fall; It obstructs in this way.

“Palestine Al-Youm” news site wrote in a note on the options of resistance to the current approach of the Zionists: “Especially since the mediators’ efforts to force the Zionist occupier to fulfill its obligations regarding the ceasefire and respond to the conditions of the resistance have failed. But even in such circumstances, the resistance has several options for putting pressure on the Zionists and forcing them to fulfill their conditions, which follows.”

  • Incendiary balloons: Since the Palestinian resistance was able to use this tool to inflict a lot of material damage on the Zionist occupier; the regime says that it will deal with launching incendiary balloons as well as firing missiles from the Gaza Strip and bombing the resistance positions. This means accelerating the escalation of the conflict on the ground and moving to the next stage by strengthening the option of incendiary balloons to put pressure on the Zionist occupier to withdraw from its punitive policies against the Gaza Strip.
  • Great return marches: Peaceful marches along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip, during which tens of thousands of Palestinians flock to the border to fight peacefully with the occupying Zionist troops. This is a peaceful but annoying act for the occupying regime, and it has tarnished its image in the eyes of the world. Because the Zionist military has violently cracked down on these demonstrations, killing more than 330 Palestinians and injuring thousands more.
  • Armed confrontation with the occupiers: Despite the high cost of a military confrontation with the Zionist occupier and his crime of using all the criminal and prohibited international tools to attack the Palestinians, this is the closest option that everyone expects to use. We can not rule out this option, and it is possible that the Palestinian resistance will continue to carry out occupation plans in the Sheikh neighborhood if the crossings remain closed, goods enter the Gaza Strip and the living conditions of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are improved, the occupiers’ crimes continue in Jerusalem. Al-Hawi surgeon and ventricle in Salwan and the occupiers’ efforts to implement the time and space division program in Al-Aqsa Mosque to use this option. All the cases mentioned are mines that are likely to lead to the resumption of the military confrontation between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist occupier at any moment without any prior warning.

The author further emphasizes: “In the face of these three scenarios, is the best and most effective option for the Palestinian resistance groups still the Palestinian movement in the West Bank and Jerusalem against the occupation and the explosion of mass intifadas in the face of this occupier, and confronting the occupation plans in the West Bank and Jerusalem?” ».

At the end of this note, the author addresses the Palestinian people: “Do not let the occupier; Separate Gaza, the West Bank, Jerusalem, and the 1948 Occupied Territories. We must act as a united group and bloc at a specific time in order to be effective and be able to defeat the Zionist occupation plans. We have always relied on the vigilance and awareness of our people and the revolutionary culture and its high power in the face of the Zionist occupier in the only language it understands.”

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