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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The most bellicose Knesset in the history of the Zionist regime started working

Pak Sahafat – The new composition of the Knesset (Parliament) of the Zionist regime has started working while the media refer to it as the “most radical and belligerent” Knesset in the history of this regime.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report (Wednesday), citing “The Times of Israel”, in the 25th Knesset elections, for the first time, there are less than 36 women and only 29 women have been able to enter the parliament.

The number of Arab members of the Knesset is only 9 people, which is very small compared to the population of more than one million Arabs living in the occupied territories.

In the continuation of the report of this Zionist newspaper, it is stated: Out of 120 members of the Zionist parliament, only 23 members are newcomers and the rest are old members who were retained in their positions in the recent elections.

According to this report, only one member of the Knesset is from the Druze minority of the occupied territories, and 3 members of the Knesset among the members of its 10 parties are gay.

The Zionist newspaper “The Times of Israel” declared extreme slogans and harsh election programs along with the presence of people affiliated with religious Zionism as one of the characteristics of this Knesset.

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This Zionist media wrote: While talks between Netanyahu and his right-wing ally Bezalel Smotrich over ministries have reached their peak, the two sides are expected to reach an agreement before a December 11 deadline to form a cabinet. This coalition of the right-wing Likud party led by Netanyahu, two ultra-Orthodox parties and the far-right religious Zionist coalition will be the most belligerent government in Israel’s 74-year history.

In the continuation of the “Israel Times” report, it is stated that the expulsion of Arabs living in the occupied territories, especially the residents of East Jerusalem, the permission to shoot protesters with firearms and the permission of Zionists to worship on the Holy Temple Hill are among the requests of the majority of the new Knesset of the Zionist regime.

Reducing the authority of the judicial system of the Zionist regime is also one of the plans of the ruling majority in the new Knesset, and the religious Zionist party has demanded the cancellation of Netanyahu’s corruption trial. Itamar Ben Goyer, the leader of the extremist party “Utsama Yehudit” has also called for the approval of a law for the immunity of prime ministers from prosecution.

Read more:

“Bennett” and “Lapid” accepted the fall of the cabinet / will the Knesset be dissolved?

Herzog: We are tired of war

Isaac Herzog, head of the Zionist regime, said at the Knesset opening ceremony on Tuesday: The reality is that our people are tired of the civil war and its consequences.

He called the Knesset members to end the endless war.

The head of the Zionist regime talked about ending the civil war while this occupying regime narrows the field more than ever on the Palestinians living in the occupied territories, the West Bank and Gaza, and as a result, every day more young people are lining up to fight against this regime.

At the same time as the opening ceremony of the new Zionist Knesset, an 18-year-old Palestinian worker killed three Zionists and injured three others at a gas station in a Zionist settlement.

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Analysts believe that with the rise of extremists, the current of compromise in Palestine will weaken and the current of resistance will be strengthened, and as a result, the collapse of the Zionist regime will be accelerated.

Netanyahu has 25 more days to form his cabinet, and if he fails to do so within this period, he can request another 14 days, and if he cannot complete the composition of his cabinet within these 14 days, the president of the Zionist regime can appoint another person.

The president of the Zionist regime met with Benjamin Netanyahu, leader of the Likud party, at his residence in the Knesset of this regime and officially commissioned him to form a new cabinet.

The new cabinet of the Zionist regime, led by the Likud party, includes right-wing parties, including the Utsma Judaism-Religious Zionism alliance and the haredi parties Shas and Torah Judaism Alliance.

Since the revelation of Netanyahu’s corruption and the establishment of his court in the past four years, political instability has engulfed the Zionist regime and five elections have been held during this period.

Netanyahu’s economic corruption, along with the presence of extreme Zionists like Ben Guer in the winning coalition, are among the internal challenges of the Zionist regime to form a new cabinet.

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