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Sunday, September 22, 2024

The majority of residents of the occupied territories do not accept Netanyahu’s government

Pak Sahafat – The result of the latest survey in the occupied territories shows that the camp of Benjamin Netanyahu, the current Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, will lose the number of seats in the Knesset if the elections are held again.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from the website of the Zionist regime’s “i24 News” channel, in the survey published by the regime’s channel 13, the majority of the residents of the occupied territories believe that their current government is not good.

According to this survey, the level of dissatisfaction with the cabinet indicates a decrease in the seats of the right-wing camp led by Netanyahu, so that in this survey, the seats of this camp will decrease from 64 seats to 58 seats if the elections are held again.

The Likud party headed by Netanyahu will lose one seat and its seats will decrease from 32 to 31.

On the other hand, the seats of “Yesh Atid” party, headed by “Yair Lapid”, the former Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, will increase from 24 seats to 26 seats.

Also, the seats of the Religious Zionist Party headed by Betzlel Smotrich and Itmar Ben Gower, two extreme members of Netanyahu’s cabinet, will also decrease from 14 seats to 12 seats, while the Shas party, which won 11 seats in the elections, will have only eight seats.

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The Yehudut Hetorah party, which is in Netanyahu’s camp, managed to keep its seven seats, as well as the “Kashor” party headed by Benny Gantz will get the same 12 seats it won in the elections.

This is while Yisrael Beitnou, led by Avigdor Lieberman, will win 6 seats, the Labor Party will win 4 seats, and the Miretz Party will win 4 seats.

The unified list headed by Mansour Abbas will also increase its seats to 6, while the Arab Front’s change of seats will decrease to 4, and the “Gathering” party will not get the quorum to enter the Knesset in this poll.

The Zionist Parliament (Knesset) on the 8th of December during the vote of confidence in the cabinet, and Benjamin Netanyahu was appointed as the prime minister, with protests and convulsions.

The reports said that a number of Knesset representatives chanted slogans against Netanyahu.

One day before that, one hundred former ambassadors of the Zionist regime expressed their concern in a letter to the prime minister of this regime about his government coming to power as a right-wing and extreme government.

The appointment of very extreme and extremist figures, including “Itamar Ben Goyer” as the minister of internal security in the cabinet of the Zionist regime, has also raised the voice of the Zionists themselves. They consider Ben Guerr as part of the “riotous thugs” and a danger to this regime.

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