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The Israeli translator refused to accompany Netanyahu on his trip to Italy

Pak Sahafat – A female Zionist translator announced that she rejected the offer of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office to accompany Netanyahu on his trip to Italy today.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, an Israeli female translator announced on Wednesday that she rejected the offer of the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office to accompany Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his trip to Italy.

Israeli translator Olga Dalia Badu wrote on his Facebook page: I was asked to accompany Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming trip to Italy as a translator. After much thought, I decided to turn it down.

He wrote in a letter to the Prime Minister’s office: “I thank you for your offer to translate Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech on March 9, but unfortunately I have to decline it.”

This Zionist translator declared: “I not only disagree with Netanyahu’s political views, but his leadership is the most dangerous thing for democracy in Israel.” Also, if I agree to cooperate in translating his words, my children will not forgive me. I tried to convince them that this is only a business issue and if this proposal is rejected, almost nothing will change, but they were not ready to accept this explanation.

He emphasized: “They surprised me… They always encourage me to accept new works, but in this case, they firmly said: Do not cooperate with those who promote fascism and reject freedom, and I decided to I will listen to them.

Netanyahu is going to leave for an official two-day trip to Italy on Thursday, where he will meet and talk with a number of officials of this country.

Yesterday, the Israeli police increased the security measures around the Ben-Gurion airport after receiving news about the demonstrations of Netanyahu to prevent his trip to Italy.

Read more:

When Netanyahu is afraid and angry at the revenge of the Palestinian fighters

Nevertheless, the Zionist media announced that Benjamin Netanyahu also went to the airport from occupied Jerusalem with a helicopter due to the closed roads.

A few days ago, the Israeli media announced that no pilot from the Israeli “Al-Al” company volunteered to transport Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife to Rome. These pilots objected to the cabinet’s judicial reform plan, and for this reason, none of them volunteered to transport Netanyahu and his wife.

Also, a few days ago, 37 of the 40 reserve pilots of the 69th fighter squadron of the Zionist regime announced that they will not participate in the training exercises on Wednesday in protest of the judicial reform bill proposed by the ruling cabinet headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Zionist protests against the approval of the Law on Judicial Reforms continue and the protestors demand the cancellation of this law.

This is while recently the Zionist network “Kan” announced that 180 officers of the Israeli Air Force reserve unit have announced in a letter to their commanders that they are withdrawing from their military service in protest of the “Judicial Reforms” law.

Also, 100 officers of the “Special Operations” unit of the Military Intelligence Department of the Zionist Army (Aman) announced in a letter that they will withdraw from the army if the so-called judicial reform law is passed.

Isaac Herzog, the president of the Zionist regime, announced in a speech last week: Israel is in a difficult phase and is experiencing a deep and very dangerous internal crisis. Israel and its society are in a difficult phase, and the deep internal crisis affects all of us threaten in these difficult days, we are facing division and fragmentation more than ever before.

Recently, Yossi Milman, analyst of Haaretz newspaper, wrote in a note entitled: Is the Israeli army on the verge of collapse before the next intifada? Wrote: The spread of the phenomenon of skeptical tendencies, protest discourses and the reduction of motivation for the presence of Payori in the Israeli army raises many concerns about the very near future of Israel.

Millman continues to emphasize: “Every day, the Chief of Staff and the Generals of the Staff receive more and more letters from military personnel declaring that they are not ready to serve in the army, or that they are thinking about it.”

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