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Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Islamic Broadcasting Union criticizes the US double standard on freedom of expression

The Islamic Broadcasting Union (IRIB) has condemned the US Department of Justice for blocking some media outlets affiliated with the union.

The Islamic State Broadcasting Union (IRIB) said in a statement that the US Department of Justice had blocked some of the IRIB member networks from accessing them under false pretenses.

The statement stated, this is a sign of the US government’s inability to confront word for word, argument for argument and image for image; american politicians do not tolerate the spread of the truth from sites and networks that expose their ugly face in the world and cut their hands off from the region.

The following is the statement of the Islamic Radio and Television Union: Under the pretext of freedom of thought and human rights, the United States justifies its interventions in the world and imposes pressure and sanctions on various countries and institutions, and seeks to silence crimes by suppressing libertarian voices and relying on autocratic laws and violations of democracy.

The United States and its deceptive media have failed to mislead nations

This statement adds, The US government and its deceptive media have failed to mislead nations, and their efforts to shut down cyber-active media will fail. Nations are more vigilant and determined to demand freedom, and free nations cannot be diverted by closing sites and restricting the media. Nations raise their voices for freedom and emphasize their duty to support the oppressed and downtrodden around the world.

The Islamic Radio and Television Union stressed in the statement: America’s one-sided domination of the world of technology will not remain, and the opportunity for the presence of other media has begun, and American policy in suppressing and silencing the media and filtering the truth will fail; they should know that their deceptive mask is on the verge of extinction.

The statement added: This immoral act will be dealt with in all ways, and all blocked sites will soon return to cyberspace. We have enough experience to deal with this, and we are taking US measures to deprive nations of access to media sites. The union will take a series of legal and administrative measures to prevent a recurrence of this issue.

The United States has turned a blind eye to the crimes of its allies

The statement emphasized: The actions of the United States, which claims to support freedoms and the principles of democracy, are surprising, and have exposed their false claims and duplicity in dealing with the media. The United States has always turned a blind eye to many of its allies’ crimes and has taken such action at the same time as the Zionist regime’s crimes against the Palestinian people.

This statement adds, the union emphasizes the continuation of activities and cooperation with media institutions and announces that in this situation, it will support the member institutions of the union and will always support the oppressed and oppressed nations of the world who are fighting against the arrogant powers and will keep its promise to defend the freedom of the media and to confront the oppressors.

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