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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The FBI has released the first batch of 9/11 documents

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation, under Biden’s order after the US military failure in Afghanistan, released some of the classified documents that show the role of some Saudi officials in the 9/11 attacks; Published.

The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Sunday released the first batch of documents related to the 9/11 attacks, in which the Saudi government is suspected of supporting the hijackers who carried out the incident; Published.

The move was based on an executive order from US President Joe Biden, which is believed to be aimed at diverting public attention from the irresponsible withdrawal from Afghanistan and exposing the futility of a 20-year US military presence in the country.

Documents recently declassified go back to the FBI investigation in 2016, which includes investigations into the logistical support of a Saudi consulate official as well as a Saudi intelligence official from at least two hijackers were involved in attacks.

Of course, even after 20 years, newly published documents are still subject to significant censorship. However, they detail the suspects’ connections and the testimony of witnesses, according to which the FBI suspects Omar al-Bayumi, a Saudi intelligence officer who was in Los Angeles under the guise of a student. He is accused of providing financial and logistical assistance to two hijackers.

On Wednesday last week, the Saudi embassy in Washington welcomed the release of the documents, claiming that any charges against Riyadh were wrong.

Of course, it does not appear that Washington intends to point the finger of blame at the Riyadh government, and it is likely that extremist elements in some Saudi-affiliated institutions were involved.

On September 11, 2001, 19 members of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization allegedly hijacked four domestic flights in the United States. Two of the planes crashed into the World Trade Center complex in New York City, and a third crashed into the Pentagon building on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., and a fourth flew to Washington, but near Shanksville in “Pennsylvania” fell.

This incident became an excuse for the US military invasion of Afghanistan that lasted 20 years and finally ended on August 30, 2021, without any success. The military presence of the United States and its allies in Afghanistan was justified under the pretext of fighting terrorism, while at the present time they claim that terrorism has become a global phenomenon compared to two decades ago!

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