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Saturday, September 21, 2024

The deadlock of the Zionist regime in Jenin; is a new Gaza being formed?

The resistance movements of the Palestinians in the Jenin camp in the center of the West Bank have pushed the Zionists in this direction to put this area under their rule as much as possible and not let a new Gaza emerge in the heart of the West Bank.

According to the report of the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, during the past two years, Palestinian camps in the West Bank have always created security problems for the Zionist regime. Meanwhile, “Balata” and “Jenin” camps have played a colorful role in resistance measures against the Zionist regime. Therefore, in addition to intensifying the actions of its oppressors against these two camps, the Zionist regime is trying to implement a special plan for the “Jenin” camp.

Establishment of resistance in the “Jenin” camp

According to the media of the Zionist regime, during the last two years, whenever the security apparatus of the Zionist regime tried to enter the “Jenin” camp in the city of Jenin, they faced armed attacks and clashes with armed Palestinians, who had no fear of armed conflict. “Amos Hareil”, the military writer of the Zionist newspaper “Haaretz” writes in this regard that the army has been facing a strange phenomenon in the Jenin camp for the past two years, and that is that when entering the Jenin camp, it is faced with a strong attack by armed Palestinian fighters.

Security sources of the Zionist regime have acknowledged that the “Jenin” camp has become an independent government that is not subject to the self-governing government and its security apparatus, nor to the Zionist regime.

Read more:

The Jenin camp is a symbol of Palestinian resistance against the Zionists

The weakness of the self-governing government or the strength of the resistance

What is stated in the security reports and analyzes of the media of the Zionist regime regarding the reason for the resistance actions in the “Jenin” camp all point to the weakness of the security apparatus of the self-governing government.

“Amos Hareil” in his article in “Haaretz” points out that in the summer of 2021, after the “Sword of the Holy” battle, the Israeli army asked the security apparatus of the autonomous government to deal with resistance measures in the “Jenin” camp. Slow, but no action was taken there, and this is due to the weakness of the security system. He further adds that Abu Mazen’s old age and the conflict between his next generations in the Fatah movement have created and intensified this weakness.

But the words of the Zionists do not end with this point and state the main reason with another expression. “Harail” says in his article that now in the Palestinian camps, including the “Jenin” camp, the Fatah and Islamic Jihad movements are working together in resistance actions, and Hamas is probably working secretly with them. That is, the unity of resistance groups has strengthened them, if not the security apparatus of the self-governing government continues to work on security cooperation with the Zionist regime as before and there has been no decrease in its actions.

Zionists’ actions and new decision in “Jenin”

During the past days, the Zionists attacked this camp by Special Forces and with the help of “Apache” attack helicopters; they arrested “Bassam Al-Saadi”, one of the leaders of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement. Based on the available evidence, this brutal attack was accompanied by the wounding of “Bassam Al-Saadi” and the martyrdom of a Palestinian teenager. This means that the Zionists intend to target the commanders of the resistance.

The real plan has been mentioned by some informed sources in the media, that the Zionist regime plans to place the “Jenin” area and the “Jenin” camp outside the “A”, “B” and “C” areas so that the army of this regime can enter without obstacles in this area. Because the “Jenin” camp is located as a part of a Palestinian city in the “A” area, which according to the Oslo agreement, its security and administrative governance is the responsibility of the self-governing government. Now, by declaring this region independent, the Zionists want to take over the security work in it, so that they can independently commit any crime there and escape from the law for these crimes in the future.

In summary, what can be seen in the decision of the Zionist regime authorities, while intensifying the security measures that can contain many crimes, but it also brings with it a promise, and that is that the cooperation of the Palestinian resistance groups in Jenin has reached a point where good news will bring good days for the Palestinian nation. With this note that the Palestinian resistance must be vigilant so that the Zionist regime does not engage in the killing of “Sabra and Shatila” like in the past and does not commit a barbaric crime in Palestine.

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