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The Chief of Staff of the Zionist Army: The increase in military rebellion is the beginning of the end of Israel

Pak Sahafat – The chief of staff of the army of the Zionist regime considered the increase in the scope of this regime’s servicemen’s disobedience as the beginning of the end of Israel.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, the Haft TV channel of the Zionist regime, this morning (Tuesday, March 7), details of a part of the consultations of “Herzi Holloway”, the new chief of staff of the Zionist regime, with the commanders of the security and political apparatuses of this regime behind closed doors regarding the rebellion of the soldiers of this regime.

According to this report, the reason for the disobedience of these soldiers is to show protest against Netanyahu’s cabinet and his action in the “coup against the law” by imposing the judicial reform plan.

The Palestinian website “Shahab” republished this news and wrote: “According to this report, Holloway and the commanders of the security and political apparatuses of the Zionist regime consulted behind closed doors regarding the army soldiers’ disobedience and expanding the range of protests against Netanyahu’s cabinet.”

According to this report, Holloway emphasized in this meeting that the situation is very dangerous and if they cannot find a solution to this crisis, the army and (Israel) will face a difficult dilemma.

Holloway demanded to keep the army away from political games and social disputes and described the expansion of the scope of refusing to serve the Zionist military as the downfall and the beginning of the end of the Zionist regime.

Read more:

Zionist author: Israel is on the verge of collapse

According to him, “the real test for the army in general and the reserve unit is to strengthen the unity and social cohesion, otherwise the army will disintegrate from within.”

The process of protests against Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies has been extended to the military and security institutions for some time and is becoming wider day by day, and more officers and soldiers are declaring that they are no longer willing to serve in the military.

The Cabinet of the Zionist regime headed by Netanyahu presented a plan to reform the judicial system of this regime on January 4th of this year. Netanyahu, who has been on trial for years on charges of corruption, bribery and betrayal of trust, plans to escape from the trial with what he calls “judicial military reform”.

Not long ago, 100 officers of the “Special Operations” unit of the Military Intelligence Organization of the Zionist Army (Aman) announced in a letter that if Netanyahu’s plan is fully approved, they will withdraw from the army. A unit that is responsible for managing and implementing military operations outside occupied Palestine.

After that, 180 squadron officers of the Zionist Air Force announced in a letter to their commanders that they will withdraw from military service in protest of the so-called “Judicial Reforms” law.

Last Sunday, these protests reached the pilots of the 69th Squadron of the Zionist Air Force – the F-15 fighter unit, and they informed the commander of this squadron that they will not participate in the exercises. According to this report, the pilots of this unit, both official and reserve forces, are used to attack targets in Syria and areas outside occupied Palestine.

The newspaper “Israel Hum” also wrote the other day: There are at least two other fighter squadrons where reservists are considering a move similar to what they did at 69 Squadron. One at Ramat David Air Base and the other at Tel Nof Air Base.

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