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Terrorism and espionage are the life tools of Zionism

Pak Sahafat – The Zionism has put all its efforts to survive in killing Palestinians and hitting countries and groups that are members of the Islamic Resistance Front, and in this way it uses various tools, especially attracting spies, so that it can survive for a few more years.

Looking at the activities of the Zionist regime in the last four decades around the world, we see that this regime does not limit itself even in spying on its friends and allies such as the United States and England, and it spies on everyone for survival.

Espionage is a dirty game that runs in the blood of the Zionists, and the Zionists do this action even against their friends such as the United States and England with complete immunity, of which the arrest of Mossad spy Jonathan Pollard in the United States is a clear example of that.

Jonathan Pollard was a civilian analyst of the US Navy who sold US military secrets to Israel in the first half of the eighties when he worked for the Pentagon and was arrested in 1985 and sentenced to 30 years in prison.

The use of British passports by Mossad elements in the assassination of “Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh”, a high-ranking leader of the Hamas movement, in a hotel in Dubai in 2010 is another action of the Zionist regime that took place without coordination with London.

“David Miliband”, the British foreign minister at the time, announced at the same time that British investigations show that only the Israeli regime was involved in the misuse and forgery of this country’s passport to carry out an assassination operation. He specifically expressed his regret that the Israelis have ignored the lives of British citizens as well as the national sovereignty of this country.

The assassination of hundreds of Iraqi scientists in Iraq after 2003, as well as the assassination of several commanders of the Fatemiyoun Army in Afghanistan, is other examples of the Zionist regime’s terrorist actions in recent years, which show that the Zionists are sacrificing the lives of Muslims to continue their lives.

 However, Lebanon has always been one of the main destinations of Mossad agents for attracting spies and terrorist activities due to the presence of Hezbollah as the primary enemy of the Zionist regime in the ears of the Zionists.

The Zionists believe that the stronger the enemy is, the more actions should be taken against him, which applies to Mossad’s terrorist and espionage actions in Iran and Lebanon (Hezbollah).

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Mossad spy recruiting tool in Lebanon

Mossad generally uses sexual and financial tools to attract spies in Lebanon and other parts of the world; This issue has been proven in the cases of discovery of espionage networks in Iran and Lebanon.

From the Mossad spies arrested in Lebanon in recent years, it is clear that the easiest and most common way to trap people, especially the young generation, is the cyberspace. In such a way that Mossad agents with influence among Lebanese users get to know their interests and tastes and select a number of these people and then communicate with them.

Of course, most of the spies who are recruited through cyberspace are Mossad mercenaries, and the Zionists usually use these people to carry out simple missions such as taking pictures of some positions they want, and usually the relationship between them does not last very long. Of course, there are exceptions and in some cases these relationships continue to the extent of complex missions. Leaked information about the methods of the Israeli spy service (Mossad) to recruit mercenaries shows that sexual matters are among the other dirty methods of the Mossad to trap its prey.

In the framework of the espionage conspiracies of the Zionist regime against Lebanon by exploiting the economic crisis of this country, the intelligence branch of the Lebanese army has discovered a new point in the Israeli spy service. During the interrogation of 4 arrested Mossad spies in Lebanon, it has been revealed that Mossad’s goal was to communicate with elements who used to work in Hezbollah in order to first attract these people and then force them to return to Hezbollah organizations.

While dozens of Zionist spy networks have been discovered and destroyed in Lebanon since last year, Hezbollah’s counter-espionage department and the intelligence branch of the country’s internal security service are still looking for networks suspected of espionage activities in line with the interests of the Zionist enemy.

In Hezbollah, the anti-espionage activity of the Zionist regime continues around the clock and at different levels, and great results have been achieved in this field, but the relevant authorities have refused to disclose details due to security reasons and have kept this information confidentially at the disposal of the security service.

Three espionage cases against Hezbollah

It can be said that the most important espionage case against Hezbollah was carried out by a person named “Mohammed Shorba” who was arrested in 2013 by the counter-espionage department of this movement. Although Shorba’s actions were against Hezbollah and dealt a blow to this movement, his arrest is considered a significant success for Hezbollah.

The Washington Post, quoting an anonymous Lebanese source, writes about this: The arrested person (Mohammed Shorba) has been the head of Hezbollah’s foreign operations unit since 2008 and has passed information to the Mossad, the spy agency of the Israeli regime. This source stated that despite the serious injuries it received from this mercenary, Hezbollah considers his arrest a serious success. Previously, in 2011, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, announced that two members of Hezbollah who were arrested confessed to spying for the American Central Intelligence Agency, CIA.

It is said that the arrest of Shorba was made with the help of Iran and it happened after Hezbollah suspected the presence of an infiltrator in its high ranks. In the period in question, Hezbollah has lost two of its top commanders, “Imad Mughniyeh” and “Hassan Al-Laqais” in Mossad’s assassination operation, several foreign operations of Hezbollah have failed, some Hezbollah elements have been arrested in other countries, and several Hezbollah agents have been arrested.

The Bulgarian authorities named two people named “Milad Farah” known as “Hussein Hussein” and a Canadian citizen named “Hassan Alhaj” as the perpetrators of this attack. Daily Star has written about it that apparently the bomb exploded before the scheduled time and reaching the main target.

It is said that Shorba and four other people who were arrested for collaborating with him were tried in Hezbollah courts. Shorba was 42 years old at the time of his arrest. He was also responsible for the protection of the Secretary General of Hezbollah for a period, and then he became the commander of the 910 unit or Hezbollah’s foreign operations unit.

Al-Rai newspaper also claimed that Shorba played a role in the arrest of two Iranian citizens named Faizi and Faraji in the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to this newspaper, he spent the eight hundred thousand dollars he received from Israel to buy properties in southern Lebanon.

The most important factor that attracted Mohammad Shorba to the Mossad was his love for a female Mossad agent, according to some sources.

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Another case

“Hossein. H” is the son of one of the prominent forces of Hezbollah, who has been active in this party for ten years and was recently arrested by the intelligence branch of the Lebanese army for the crime of spying for the Zionist enemy.

A person known as “Haj Salim” is another ex-Hezbollah soldier whose age is around 60 years and it is claimed that he was known for his religious beliefs. He fought in the ranks of the resistance for many years and after traveling to France to treat his injury, he married a French woman in this country and then engaged in import and export business. Haj Salim met Hossein H in Tanzania and said that he and his father were comrades in Hezbollah.

Hossein. He was in the environment close to the resistance and was in direct contact with Hezbollah, and besides his father, he was also considered a member of Hezbollah and fought in its ranks in Syria from 2011 to 2020. Hossein’s father H and two of his uncles as well as their son-in-law were martyred in Syria in the war with ISIS, and therefore he was in an environment completely dependent on the resistance, but despite this, Haj Salim, who had become one of the officers of the Mossad spy service, was able to exploit Hossein in line with the interests of the Zionist enemy.

After his arrest, he told Lebanese investigators that after resigning from Hezbollah in 2020, he traveled to Abidjan (Ivory Coast’s capital) to work in a plastic factory, and in a few months he went to Turkey for a tour and was in Taksim Square in Istanbul. He met an Arab-speaking girl and an emotional relationship was formed between them. According to Hossein this girl named Habiba helped him find a job and then together they went to Macedonia to work in a pastry shop. After that, they had trips to Belgium, Turkey and Tanzania.

But these words of the said person did not convince the Lebanese investigators, especially that he came to Lebanon twice after a short period of his trip to Turkey and admitted that he brought 5 thousand dollars with him the first time and 10 thousand dollars the second time; This is despite the fact that he did not work much and of course he traveled a lot and was in foreign countries for several months. The investigators also did not believe that he met a girl in Istanbul by chance and in a very short time they agreed to travel together to different countries.

After Hossein’s return. H to Lebanon in early 2022, the security apparatus of Hezbollah interrogated him twice and asked him questions about the reasons for withdrawing from Hezbollah and whether he was in contact with the Mossad spy service or not, which of course the said person denied this.

After that, questions about Hossein’s relationship. He was asked about Hizbollah’s security apparatus, and Haj Salim introduced him to a person named “Amir” so that their relationship would continue through this person and he would carry out his espionage missions with the coordination of Amir. A person called Amir bought a house in Macedonia for Hossein. He had rented it when he moved there in May 2022, but he was arrested after returning to Lebanon.

The Internal Security Service and the Lebanese Army, along with the Hezbollah Security Unit, have carried out extensive operations over the past few years to discover and destroy the Zionist regime’s spy networks, which resulted in the destruction of dozens of Mossad spy cells in different areas of Lebanon, and this process is still ongoing.

The above espionage files show that Mossad seeks to recruit Lebanese and especially Hezbollah individuals through financial and sexual means. Although it should be said that the Mossad has so far been able to recruit a few members of this movement, but this number is not statistically significant compared to the tens of thousands of sincere and capable forces of Hezbollah. Since its formation in 1982 (1361), Hezbollah has practically become the strongest resistance movement against the Zionist regime in the world, which has dealt many blows to this usurping regime, and this has caused this regime to do this in every possible way.

The discovery of dozens of Mossad spy networks and the arrest of its elements in Lebanon, especially after the 33-day war of 2006, which led to the heavy defeat of the Zionist regime’s army against Hezbollah, was mostly done by Hezbollah in cooperation with the Lebanese security apparatus, which speaks for itself. It is true that Hezbollah is strong and is getting stronger every day, and it is becoming weaker and more vulnerable in front of the Zionist regime.

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