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Friday, September 20, 2024

Tensions in Israeli-Jordanian relations … Netanyahu has suspended flights between the two countries

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suspended flights between Jordan and Israel on Sunday, according to a statement published in Israeli newspapers by his office.

The decision came after problems with the Israeli prime minister during a planned visit to the UAE city of Abu Dhabi on Thursday, following difficulties in coordinating his trip through Jordanian airspace.

The statement said Jordan had delayed confirmation of Netanyahu’s trip via Jordanian airspace and called on the Israeli side to set a new date for the trip in response to disagreements over security measures leading to The Jordanian Crown Prince’s visit to Al-Aqsa Mosque has been canceled.

Israeli experts called the move a violation of peace agreements between the two countries. It should be noted that Israel and Jordan signed an aviation agreement that will allow flights between the two countries on October 8, 2020.

The decision came after problems with the Israeli prime minister during a planned visit to the UAE city of Abu Dhabi on Thursday, following difficulties in coordinating his trip through Jordanian airspace.

It seems that the Jordanian public opinion can be stirred up against Israel, and the Jordanian people loyal to the monarchy can be called to hold a demonstration in front of the Israeli embassy in Oman by making carousels and Twitter attacks and launching a campaign.

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