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Suspension of Russia’s membership in the Human Rights Council; Agenda of the UN General Assembly today

Pak Sahafat – The third extraordinary session of the UN General Assembly will be convened today, Thursday, at the request of the United States and its allies, to vote on the suspension of Russia’s membership in the Human Rights Council.

Western nations have accused Russia of committing war crimes since the start of the Ukraine war, and now, following the Bucha incident, they are accusing Russia of committing this vague and mysterious event, believing that Russia is eligible to join the council due to human rights violations.

Representatives of 11 countries, including the United States, Britain, Canada, Ukraine, Moldova, Japan, Colombia, as well as the President of the European Union, representing the 27 countries of the European Union, on Tuesday, at the same time as the UN Security Council meeting on the Bucha events, requested the “extraordinary martyr” of the UN General Assembly, Abdullah Shahid, to Suspension of Russia’s membership in the UN Human Rights Council.

The chairman of the UN General Assembly, Abdullah Shahid, has announced to the countries that the extraordinary meeting of the UN General Assembly will be held on Thursday morning, local time.

Some news sources have reported that Russia is holding consultations with some countries to oppose the anti-Russian resolution.

The Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council, established in 2006, has 47 members elected by the UN General Assembly, of which Russia is a member and must be a member by 2023.

According to IRNA, the West, led by the United States, seeks to suspend Russia’s membership in the 60th session of the UN General Assembly, citing Article 8 of Resolution 251/60 establishing the Human Rights Council.

Read more:

Britain has demanded the suspension of Russia’s membership in the Human Rights Council

According to this article, if a member of the Human Rights Council commits a serious and systematic violation of human rights, the UN General Assembly can suspend the membership of that country in the Human Rights Council by a two-thirds majority (positive and negative votes).

The move comes from the 193-member General Assembly, which suspended Libya from the Human Rights Council in 2011. Russia’s suspension of membership in the UN Human Rights Council has been pursued by the United States since the beginning of the Ukraine war, and now, after the ambiguous “Bucha” incident in Ukraine, while no independent international investigation has been conducted to clarify its unknown dimensions, this issue is accelerating.

The release of gruesome images of civilian corpses on the streets of the city of Bucharest, which shocked the world, coincided with the announcement by Ukrainian authorities on April 14 that all parts of the capital had been liberated from Russian control.

Western media published pictures of the city of Bucha near Kiev, claiming that Russian forces had fired on civilians as they were leaving the Ukrainian capital, and the Kremlin categorically denied any involvement in the killing of civilians in the city of Bucha.

Two-thirds of the members of the UN Human Rights Council voted in favor of the resolution on human rights in Ukraine proposed by Kiev before the Bucha incident. Of the members, only Russia and Eritrea voted against the resolution.

Following pressure from the United States and its allies, the UN General Assembly will, for the third time since the Ukraine war, be the scene of two US and Russian superpowers forcing Ukraine to step up its political alignment with the international body.

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