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Friday, September 20, 2024

State Department: Our policy is to support a two-state solution

Referring to the new administration’s desire to resume aid to the Palestinians, the State Department spokesman said the president’s policy was to support a two-state solution.

Despite the Zionist regime’s efforts to eliminate any chance of implementing a two-state solution to end the Palestinian conflict, the new US administration announced its support for this solution.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price said this morning (Tuesday, Tehran time) that the administration of President Joe Biden is committed to a two-state solution to the Palestinian question.

During a daily news conference, Price evaded answering a question about the US government’s response to the imprisonment of a large number of Palestinian women by the Zionist regime: “I do not have a definite answer to that. If it was something we wanted to inform you about, we would say so.”

According to the US State Department website, however, to justify his statement, he added: “In general, our goal is a two-states solution, a two-state solution in which Israel exists peacefully alongside a credible Palestinian state.”

Price went on to explain: “We support the two-state solution because it is not only in line with our values ​​and interests, but also in line with the values ​​and interests of the region. A two-state solution guarantees the existence of Israel as a Jewish state and at the same time realizes the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians to have dignity and the right to self-determination in their own state.”

The US diplomat, who was confronted by a reporter at the urging of Washington to express his support for the violation of Palestinian rights, said: “As a government, we seek to deepen our ties with the Palestinian people and the Palestinian leadership … We are reviewing the diplomatic presence [of the embassy in occupied Jerusalem].”

He also added: “We have already spoken about our commitment to provide financial assistance to the Palestinians, including the displaced. We are committed to all of them.”

Earlier, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called Israeli Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi to call for a two-state solution to end the conflict with the Palestinians.

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