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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Spraying paint on the statue of one of the architects of the Zionist regime in the British Parliament

Pak Sahafat – A number of Palestinian supporters entered the British Parliament on Saturday and, in a symbolic act, splashed red paint on the statue of former British Foreign Minister Arthur James Balfour, who played a major role in the formation of today’s Israel, and shouted for the liberation of Palestine.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the group known as “Action for Palestine” published a clip of this protest movement on its Twitter page, and a protester throwing paint towards Balfour said: Palestinians have been suffering for 105 years because of this man. He gave away the land of the Palestinians when it did not belong to him.

Another protester holding the Palestinian flag also said: We have gathered in the heart of the parliament to make our protest heard by the representatives and the government. He said that the “Balfour” statue is a symbol of British crime in Palestine and shouted for the freedom of Palestine.

On November 2, 1917, in a letter addressed to “Walter Rothschild”, a Jewish politician and member of the House of Commons, Balfour spoke in favor of the British government for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

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Anti-Israel rally in front of the Israeli embassy in London

This letter states: I am very pleased to inform you of the following announcement on behalf of the government of His Majesty the King of Great Britain regarding the acceptance of the Zionist demand, which has been approved by the Cabinet. His Majesty’s government regards the establishment of a Jewish national center in Palestine with a favorable opinion and will use its best efforts to achieve this goal, provided that no action that affects the civil and religious rights of the non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the political rights and position of the Jews. I will be grateful if you inform the Zionist Union about the meaning of this announcement

Many consider this letter, which became known as the Balfour Declaration, to be the beginning of the establishment of the Zionist regime.

At the same time, the Palestinian Embassy in England issued a statement on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the disgraceful Balfour Declaration and demanded an answer from the British government. In this statement, a version of which was published on Twitter, it is stated: The Balfour Declaration was the height of imperial arrogance and disregard for the political rights of millions of Palestinians and made the people of the country stateless in their own land.

Emphasizing the Palestinians’ right to self-determination, the Palestinian Embassy stated that the British government is responsible and that the Balfour Declaration was nothing but a disaster for the Palestinian people and caused ethnic cleansing, apartheid and countless killings of people.

It is emphasized in this statement: We ask the London government to play a constructive role in trying to ensure a lasting and just peace based on UN resolutions and international law. Accept his historical responsibility towards the Palestinian people and try to restore their rights. The time of double standards is over.

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