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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Sky News analyst: America’s support for Iran’s unrest with espionage and sanctions is useless

The anti-Iranian expert of “Sky News” network emphasized that despite sanctions and espionage in support of Iran’s disturbances, the American government still has its hands closed in front of this country and does not advance anything.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, “Ehab Abbas”, an anti-Iranian expert of the “Sky News” channel, said during a TV program about the behind the scenes of the riots in Iran, that America used its spies in this country and supported Tehran’s insecurities.

Internet TV “Iranik TV” has published a video of this Arab-speaking analyst’s speech on its Twitter page, in which he emphasizes that Iran’s internal opposition is weak and the scattered foreign opposition does not cooperate; As a result, whenever there is a spark [of protests] in Iran, it is considered the best opportunity for America.

This expert answered a question that “America does not hide its support for terrorism and unrest in Iran; in what way and how does the American government support this situation?” said: America’s support begins with Washington and all Iranian cyberspace activists who live in America. They create a kind of pressure lobby; although their influence is low, America supports them.

Ehab Abbas added: In fact, rather than being a tool to pressure Iran, they are the sources of gathering news and information from inside Iran for the US government. Because they have good connections with media activists and extensive family relationships in Iran and can collect good statistics and information for the American government.

He further mentioned the regular meetings of the American officials with these Iranian people and explained that the reason for these meetings is to obtain information about the current situation and future developments in Iran.

When the presenter of the program asks about the impact of the American-Western borders against Iran and their role in the continuation of the disturbances, he admits: So far, many sanctions have been imposed against Iran, and even if they increase, they will not have much effect. If it is asked whether sanctions against Iran are a suitable tool? I say that sanctions are not a serious tool to put pressure on the Iranian government.

Abbas added about America’s policies: One of America’s policies is that if iron is melted, it should be shaped with a hammer! Therefore, Washington supports even weak protests, even if they have no results.

He said about the situation of the opponents and rioters: Iran’s domestic opposition does not have a specific order; they don’t even have a group or spokesperson. Foreign opponents are scattered and do not cooperate with each other. America is closed in front of this situation; Especially the Biden administration, which cannot do anything

This is despite the fact that the White House officials have repeatedly emphasized the continuation of their support for the rioters in Iran. Western media sources such as “Reuters” had reported that US President Joe Biden interfered in Iran’s internal affairs and supported rioters during his campaign speech in support of the Democratic candidate for the governorship of Oregon.

While interfering in Iran’s internal affairs, Biden called the rioters “brave people” and declared that “I have a lot of respect for the people who are protesting in the streets.” The American president also claimed that “Iranian government is very repressive”.

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