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Sheikh Maher Hammoud: Ayatollah Khamenei’s penetrating insight is the key to the stability of the Islamic Revolution

Sheikh Maher Hammoud, president of the Lebanese Association of Resistance Scholars, stressed that Ayatollah Khamenei’s insight into the ideals of Imam Khomeini is the key to the stability of the Islamic Revolution.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, the head of the Association of Resistance Scholars in Lebanon said that the Islamic Republic of Iran, unlike many Islamic countries, is in the name and practice of Islam.

Sheikh “Maher Hamoud” in an exclusive interview with Fars about the dimensions and effects of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in Lebanon said: The victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran almost coincided with the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, that is, it was less than three years apart, and God Almighty ruled that this coincidence should be a positive coincidence.

He added: The main impact of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the resistance was that the resistance performed well during these forty years and the result was the liberation of Lebanon and its liberation from Israel, especially in 1982, when Israel wanted through Bashir al-Jamil.

The resistance, with its victories and stances, thwarted many conspiracies to strike back or bring back civil war through sectarian or religious warfare.

Pointing out that Iran had not interfered in Lebanese affairs, Sheikh Hammoud said that Iran’s support for the resistance was the main reason for keeping Lebanon’s existence from Zionism-Americanization, normalization and all the bad projects.

Referring to the role of Imam Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, in confronting the hostile strategy of the United States and the Zionist regime, such as the Greater Middle East project, the deal of the century, and normalization, he said: Imam Khamenei has not been an ordinary figure in the history of the Islamic Ummah; Because he clearly maintained a vision that had no precedent and completed the path of Imam Khomeini; Especially since no one believed that the Imam could destroy a great empire on the scale of the imperial empire in Iran, which was supported by the United States, Israel and arrogance.

The president of the Lebanese Association of Resistance Scholars emphasized: Imam Khamenei has been able to lead the Islamic Revolution for more than thirty years with his penetrating insight, foresight and very effective and convincing speeches.

Read more: Reflection of the great gathering of the Iranian people in foreign media: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=19787

Sheikh Hammoud, referring to some people’s thoughts that the Islamic Revolution will end with the demise of Imam Khomeini, said: Some thought that Iran would become an Islamic country only in its own name, like what is now in Saudi Arabia, a country that is Islamic in its own name and slogan; but it is actually an American country.

The head of the Association of Resistance Scholars in Lebanon added: That is why we must say that we may not find enough words to express the insight, prudence and steadfastness of Khamenei’s Supreme Leader.

Sheikh Maher Hammoud, in response to a question about the reason for the influence of the ideology of the Islamic Revolution in the hearts of the people of the region, said: Undoubtedly, Iran’s success in winning the hearts of many believers and the oppressed is the harmony between its slogan and its practice, and this is something that has not happened in many of the revolutions we have witnessed, and the defense of Palestine and the resistance is an example.

He clarified: Undoubtedly, the spread of the ideology of the Islamic Revolution in the hearts of the oppressed is due to overcoming adherence to American policy and the dictates of the West, because its slogans are honest and popular, and nations have realized that great slogans are not practical and only to deceive nations therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been distinguished by its sincerity and true adherence to its slogans.

Sheikh Hammoud said: The Islamic Revolution of Iran defended the Palestinian cause when Egypt was out of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Arab and Islamic nations felt despair over the current situation and the defeats of the Arab regimes against Israel, and the slogan of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in defense Palestine, he somehow revived hope in the hearts of the Islamic Ummah.

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