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Sharp increase in dissatisfaction with the BBC; About 500,000 complaints a year

According to the annual report of the BBC, the British media outlet has received about 500,000 complaints in 12 months due to its unprecedented orientation.

In just 12 months, the BBC has received about 500,000 complaints about perceived bias concerns from its audience.

According to the BBC’s annual report published in the past few days, the British media received 462,255 complaints in 2020/2012, which by its own admission shows an increase of 93,878 cases compared to the same period last year.

Public outrage over the network’s biased behavior has increased the number of complaints compared to 218,253 in 2018/19.

“Ian Hargreaves, chairman of the BBC’s editorial and standards committee, said of the increase: The volume of complaints is worrying. This fiscal year is witnessing another sharp increase in the number of complaints received.

He added: The Committee examines the reasons for this increase year by year and calls on the executive to investigate the grievance redressal.

The figures were also reflected by the British media watchdog Ofcom, which said on Friday it had received an unprecedented 142,660 complaints last year, compared with 35,545 the year before.

“Our research shows that many people think that the BBC is shaped by a particular perspective,” the BBC report said. This is not just about left and right policies. “We know that many people feel that the BBC does not understand the world from their point of view.”

The majority of these complaints were about content that the audience found offensive, according to an Offcom statement on the BBC’s annual report. Ofcom also said it was “unusual” to receive this significant volume of complaints about certain media outlets.

The watchdog noted that the number of complaints specifically about racially abusive content has also increased.

In the list of complaints received by Ofcom, the majority of complaints to the British television network “ITV” and in particular to one of its programs due to the host’s considerations and cautious comments about the words of “Megan Markle”, the wife of Prince Harry, granddaughter of the Queen of England In a controversial interview that caused quite a stir in early March.

He said in an interview that members of the royal family and Buckingham Palace could not expect him and Prince Harry to remain silent while continuing to lie against the two.

Earlier, an investigation revealed that former BBC reporter Martin Bashir had used “deceptive methods” to interview Diana, Princess of Wales.

In that controversial interview in November 1995, Diana revealed her husband’s infidelity to another woman, Camilla Parker, and said that there were three people in her marriage.

Bashir’s controversial interview with Diana had more than 20 million viewers and shook the British royal family. Diana divorced her husband just a few months after the interview. BBC Director-General Tim Davy was forced to apologize after the results of the investigation were released.

Earlier, the BBC‘s full coverage of the news of the death of “Prince Philip”, the husband of the Queen of England, made the people of this country voice.

In addition to attacking the BBC’s criticism and suggestions page, British citizens also protested on social media.

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