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Friday, September 20, 2024

Security services in the UAE came under Israeli control

According to Emirates Leaks, the Hebrew media reported that the UAE government has announced the signing of a contract with an Israeli drone company to reduce the time it takes for security services to respond to emergencies and emergencies.

The Hebrew website “Defense Defense” reminded that the Dubai police has received help from the Zionist company Aerobotics, which specializes in the production of drones.

The website added: Dubai Police have decided to buy Aerobotics’ latest product, which employs drones in security activities, and the International Expo 2020, which is held every four years in Dubai, to service these types of aircraft and start Security and intelligence cooperation of the UAE and Israel has been selected.

Security cooperation is the basis of the normalization agreement between the UAE government and the Zionist regime and its most dangerous case.

Relations between Mossad and the UAE security services began in the 1990s, and the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, a Palestinian leader of the Hamas movement, in a Dubai hotel in 2010 was one of the achievements of this cooperation.

Emirati companies such as Dark Matter are said to have hired former cyber and internet experts in the Israeli army affiliated with the Israeli army’s 8200 Series unit to operate in the UAE.

Israel will also benefit from the strengthening of security ties with the UAE, while reports indicate that the UAE and Israel intend to establish a joint spy base on the Yemeni island of Socotra overlooking the Arabian Sea.

In addition, by establishing formal relations with the UAE, it will be easier for Israel to coordinate regional security affairs with Saudi Arabia, even in the absence of formal relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv.

The UAE, on the other hand, can tacitly support and implicitly support Israel in the tense Eastern Mediterranean region. Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv are expected to expand their cooperation with Greece, Cyprus and other EU members to take serious positions against Turkey.

Also, the Horn of Africa could become a scene for increased Emirati-Israeli cooperation, according to Dave de Rouch, a professor at the US National Defense University and former head of the Pentagon, Socotra, Pontland and Eritrea are areas where the UAE can facilitate Israeli presence to monitor hostile movements against Tel Aviv.

Despite all these opportunities for cooperation between the UAE and Israel, there are still many obstacles in the way of the Tel Aviv-Abu Dhabi security partnership, one of the most important of which is the contract to sell F-35 fighter jets to the UAE.

“Why not give F-35 fighter jets to the UAE and Saudi Arabia,” wrote Shimon Arad, a retired Israeli army colonel. “In the turmoil of the Middle East market, conditions and goals change much faster than capabilities, as exemplified in the contemporary history of the region by the so-called Arab Spring, the rise and fall of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the Islamist transformation of Turkey.”

“Israel knows that most Arab regimes are not elected by the people, which means that as soon as they are overthrown, their weapons fall into the hands of those who should not,” said Ali Bakir, a Turkish analyst.

Undoubtedly, on the next stage there will be a lot of news and joint agreements, but in practice, there are still many questions about how to implement this defense cooperation.

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