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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Rishi Sunak: England is facing deep economic challenges

In his first televised speech, the newly elected British Prime Minister considered the unity of the conservative party and the country a priority and emphasized that, without a doubt, England is facing deep economic challenges.

According to the report of the international group of Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting from the German magazine “Focus”, Rishi Sunak, who was elected as the new Prime Minister of England a few hours ago by eliminating his rivals, gave his first televised speech this afternoon (Monday) in which he warned about the deep economic consequences and considered registration necessary.

In his first public appearance as Prime Minister-elect of Britain, Rishi Sunak urged the country to unite. Sonak said Monday afternoon in London that the unity of the Conservative Party and the country was his top priority. He added: There is no doubt that Britain faces deep economic challenges. Sunak said: We need stability and unity now, I promise to serve you with honesty and humility.

Sunak is expected to be officially appointed as UK Prime Minister by Tuesday at the latest. A Downing Street spokesman told Britain’s PA news agency this afternoon that the role would not be handed over to Sunak by Prime Minister Liz Truss, who resigned on Monday.

After the withdrawal of Boris Johnson and opposition candidate Penny Mordant, Sunak was the only candidate with more than the 100 votes required by the Conservatives. The new prime minister has spoken about the existential danger for the conservative party.

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New British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak spoke to his parliamentary group behind closed doors ahead of his televised speech after his election. As Tory MPs subsequently reported, Sunak spoke of the fact that the party faces an existential threat given its disastrous poll numbers. The reporter of “Ai” newspaper, citing insiders, reported that Sunak has rejected the early elections that the opposition is demanding.

With the election of Sunak, conservatives hope that the new prime minister can prevent the conservative party from falling in the polls. The 42-year-old managed to pick up more supporters in the Tories than his only rival, Penny Mordant, who then announced she was leaving the group on Monday.

Outgoing British Prime Minister Liz Truss congratulated Rishi Sunak’s chosen successor. Taras Dushanbe tweeted: You have my full support. Taras had won over Sonak in the previous round of elections in the summer.

After only six chaotic weeks as prime minister, he quit under intense pressure from his party and announced his resignation on Thursday, making history as the shortest-serving prime minister.

Liz Truss’s resignation came after his economic plan shocked financial markets and split the Conservative Party.

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