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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Revealing the lie of the Saudi officials about the security achievements

Many facts in Saudi Arabia show that the country lacks economic, internal and external security for its citizens.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, one of the false achievements that the Al-Saud regime is promoting in its country is security.

Saudi Leaks website wrote: The Al-Saud regime, together with its hypocritical allies, systematically seeks to establish the idea that the existing sovereignty for Saudi Arabia guarantees security.

In this regard, Kashkool account stated that a government that cannot produce food, medicine and weapons for itself is not a real government. Also, this government has not been able to build an arms industry and a strong army of its citizens despite the ability of its people.

During its rule, the Al-Saud regime has been unable to present a national project that creates an economic cycle and leads to the country’s self-sufficiency, and it has also failed to resolve the unemployment and livelihood crisis in the country.

Saudi Arabia has become a parasitic rent-seeking country that imports everything and has no economic cycle, because it is completely dependent on oil extraction, a large part of which is sold by the Al Saud dynasty, and the oil revenues are spent on personal expenses and luxury.

What about external security? The budget of the Ministry of Defense in Saudi Arabia is more than the budget of the six most powerful armies in the world, but it does not have a strong army. This army is the only tool to buy weapons from the United States and Western countries, under the pretext of Saudi Arabia giving its wealth to the United States and its allies.

Read more: Revealing Saudi Arabia’s major investment in Lebanese parliamentary elections against Hezbollah: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15571

Today, the inability of the Saudi army against the world is well exposed, as it was defeated by the military capability and power of Ansarallah in Yemen, and Ansarallah repeatedly targeted the basic and important facilities of the country in response to the Saudi invasion of Yemen.

What about internal security? The duty of the armed government institutions, including the police and others, is to protect the Al-Saud family, their relatives and the citizens of the western countries residing in Saudi Arabia.

The military in Saudi Arabia arrests and tortures many people. Many women are also persecuted and deprived of their most basic human rights. The people of this country are deprived of expressing their opinions and will be arrested and punished if criticized.

Saudi Arabia lacks an independent and transparent judicial system that issues rulings based on the order of Al-Saud, and the only rulings issued by this judiciary are in the direction of oppressing the citizens.

The Al-Saud regime does not have an independent political approach and acts only in the interests of the United States and to the detriment of the Saudi people.

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